Disappointed & feeling low

  • 3 replies
  • 42 subscribers

I am having a moan & feeling sorry for myself. I am so upset & disappointed I was suppose to be going to my grandsons year 6 production before he goes on to big school, getting my haircut for the first time since growing back from last lot of treatment last year & attending a friends 60th celebrations this week.

I started to feel unwell at the weekend & now I feel very unwell. I do hate this disease I have been looking forward to these events to cheer you up & make you feel happy then bang the big disappointment. 

  • Hi JSB4 Unfortunately these things are sometimes out of our hands and we have to be grateful for when things are going well I find . I think I have come to the conclusion that your health can be affected as easily as turning a light switch on and off . One minute you are perfectly happy and enjoying yourself then a serious pain which can be debilitating , So bad that you can't even get out of bed to let the ambulance people in , Phew that was nearly a close call . I find it is best to move on and try and be positive for the next up coming  event . Tomorrows  another day .All the Best Regards Minmax

  • Hi Minmax thank you for your reply. I know & you are right we are to be thankful for the good days but for once I was feeling so good & looking forward to it almost forgetting about the disease. 
    Take care Jacquie

  • Yes I hear you and those days and times will come back again. I had an appointment last week with the oncologist underling and she was telling me I have been through a lot of harsh treatment and dealt with it really well. I finish my 2nd  Chemo again today and just adding that to the list of things I have  had done. Its all good I think keeping me alive  Happy days Being positive about everything helps I think , Do whatever you want when you feel like it , All the Best Minmax