Feeling low

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This is difficult to write, especially knowing that others are experiencing very difficult times right now.  I have an incurable blood cancer (ET), and although my symptoms/side effects of the medication are manageable I’m finding I just can’t feel positive about anything. I don’t have the energy to go out and enjoy things like I used to (I do occasionally see friends for coffee). I don’t have children and my elderly siblings live at least an hour away. I am married but my spouse is out at work during the week so I spend a lot of time on my own which I know isn’t always very helpful.  I used to be creative with painting and making little stained glass pieces but I can’t see the point of making anything. I don’t play my instruments anymore either. On the face of it I seem fine but I’m good at hiding things. I know one or two of my friends find it uncomfortable dealing with my condition and how I’m not the same person I was a few years ago. Anyway, thanks for listening. I don’t like being like this and I don’t want to go on any medication to make me feel better, as I’m on enough pills as it is!  I seem to have been giving a lot of emotional help to others recently too, which I’m happy to do, but I’m now feeling a bit thinly spread.
Sending you all love and support.  


  • Hi Ulls survival courses are not my thing, though I guessed you had links to Scotland, as do I and Poland, though I have no family there all lost in WW2 and as for being to many places, my family moved down to Bentley 1971, I bought a house on the same street in 1985 and have never moved

  • Hi Suzy thanks for the heads up on your legs running out of steam, I'm sorry there is no treatment available at this time but good to know you are doing what you can to find out about it and whether there in anything that may help. Suzy I can help with brain fog or CRCC, cancer related cognitive changes to give it it's proper name, I did a 5 week course called, managing memory and concentration, a small group course at Maggies, www.maggis.org held by a psychologist and it has been very helpful. Fingers crossed the in-patient forum goes ahead.

    Eddie xx

  • We bought our house in 1985 aswell, still here.

  • I have thought a couple of times about moving as the area is not the place it used to be, though it's probably the same everywhere, maybe after the wedding, I guess you've see a lot of change as well, progress they call it, not a word I'd use, best wishes with 3rd round of chemo.


  • Hi. Suzy If you hear about another patient Forum in Scotland, could you please let me know! I missed the last one because we were away on one of our breaks! I hope you are getting out a bit now!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Ulls, we bought our first house in Airdrie, Scotland and moved from there to Leighton Buzzard when my husband moved with work to London. We bought the house we are in now in 1981 and still love it! At one stage after dx we thought we were going to have to move but then we got a stairlift and put on an extension of a toilet and shower room downstairs, so that's us sorted!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, don't need a stair lift yet but quite happy to get one if necessary, my eldest sister has one slow but good

  • HI Annette and Ulls, I got a stairlift for mum when she had cancer, sadly she only got to use it twice, the company who i bought it from offered me about 15% of what I paid for It robbing b#sta#ds, so I kept it, looks like it's going to be a good decision

  • Thanks Eddie.  That’s really helpful.  I didn’t know there were such courses. The brain fog has affected my confidence a bit as I sometimes just forget what I’m saying, or trying to search for the right word if I’m tired. Thank you!

  • Hi Annette.  I saw an email a few months ago saying there was one on 6th December in Glasgow. Then the next email listing the events didn’t mention the Glasgow meeting, so I emailed them and got the response that they hoped it would still go ahead but they were having issues with finding a location.  So - hopefully we’ll find out soon.  Will definitely let you know.

    Getting my Covid jab tomorrow (after my dental check up!) so a lot of fun lined up!!! 

    Hope you’re getting on ok yourself. 
    Suzy xx