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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - June 2024

  • 717 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Thanks Lee,  your right any exercise is good, these people you talk to at bus stops are they friends and neighbours or do you like talking to  strangers, PS I do too, hospice today 4 to 5 hours and family so a nice day, 



    Thanks  , just a little message, glad you are all well. up bright and early.

    Well another nice day here as well, though so hot yesterday. was 29 and hitter today.

    Just trying to adjust, at moment, though everything went well.


  • I like talking to strangers funny enough, well neighbours to me are strangers, only talk to me when they want some thing, learnt my lesson

  • Morning Ellie, that's good news  everything went well yesterday and please be extra  careful today, was warm yesterday but humidity spoiled it, take care

    Eddie xx 

  • Well no going out side and no gardening for a week.

    6 weeks i can have other eye done, yippee.

    i am laughing, one eye can read with out glasses, other eye cannot read with glasses on.

    You do not realise at times, how you have adjusted to compensate, for not seeing things. Happy Days. 

  • Hi Ellie, can't go out or do gardening for a week, that's going to be tough, I hope you have friends, family and nurses popping in to see you, I would struggle staying in for a day never mind a week, my kids used to say dad why are you squinting, which i was, to see writing clearer when reading, an over the counter pair of reading glasses £3, what a difference, best £3 I ever spent. Ellie can you take your eye shield off today?, take care.

    Eddie xx

  • Morning Ellie, so glad all went ok for you yesterday. Hope you all have a pleasant and peaceful day. Maybe the sun will appear here at some point too today. 

    Alana xx

  • Morning Alana, thank you, I'm sure you will get some sunshine as well, non here but 22c already, enjoy your day.

    Eddie xx

  • Morning Ellie, your right no gardening keep the dust out of your eye, stay safe Mama Bear Koala 

  • I shall try. Got a frantic phone call on Monday that  my daughter broke her foot and will not be able to come for a few days on Thursday. The poor lamb has to wear a boot for about 5 weeks, which will be very hot with the temperature in London at present. 

    Alana xx