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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - June 2024

  • 717 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • The dogs will share a fish when we are home, sometime they can be sick in the car,  how was your evening yesterday with hubby, was that romantic

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Ellie what is better on a sunny day than strawberries and cream or ice cream, but together that's a new one on me, must be an Essex thing hope it doesn't ruin you figure,


  • Erm, not really Eddie! We just went to our local pub (there are very few to choose from here!) where we had fish and chips. There were a couple of locals in, but most of the customers were holiday makers....always the same at this time of year. It gets really busy in Summer.

    I had a good chat with the bar person (she was one of our witnesses at our wedding....we met in the pub when I moved into the village!). We didn't stay that long really, just a couple of hours. Mike, my husband, goes two or three times a week, usually in the afternoons. He gets the bus normally. 

    Thank goodness all our dogs travel really well in the car, but one of them is 15, and she has started to have little accidents at home. That's why we don't leave her for too long. She's 105 in dog years!


  • My figure, is some thing i never worry about, , not  out to impress any one.

    Ice cream with cream is lovely, though not some  thing, if on a diet.

    I might be on a diet next week lol

  • You've got to eat strawberries and cream when Wimbledon is on telly!

  • I am having a practise before it starts

  • Puddock why don't you cook meals for each other or maybe a takeaway during the tourist season or a picnic on the beach or your amazing garden and you can always invite friends and have the dogs with you together more often, Is the dogs incontinence bladder or bowel?

    Eddie xx

  • Ellie if you put on weight you would have to go shopping for new clothes, which I think I can remember is not one of your favourite things,

    Eddie xx

  • LOL No its not hate shopping for any thing, i will have to breath in all the time 

  • Not big on hopping either, and no interest in fashion at all, Ellie if I buy something I need I ill usually buy up to 5 of them, there must be people who think I have only 1 pair of shoe or trousers, LOL