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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - June 2024

  • 717 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Morning Lee, if you look in your in-box on your E-Mail page you should find all your Macmillan E=Mail in the inbox


  • Morning All

    Well sun is out and just hung  washing out, so bound to rain.

    I have a ME day no one coming in, daughter on a cruise, son going to London and others where in Friday.

    I I like fish Lee, though doing myself a roast dinner, how i live at times.

    Just put music on, though no dancing about, to early for me, may be later, after my glass of wine.

    All enjoy your fathers day others enjoy your day.

  • Hello again Eddie. Lilly loves to get cuddled up with me and get her back stroked and behind her ears. She loves catching balls and is pretty good st it. Would have made a better Goalie on Friday for Scotland, I am convinced of that. Joy  mind we would be at a loss if we would not watch every Scotland game with bated breath. Comes as second nature by now. My only problem with her is that she is a one person cat and will not tolerate anybody else when they come in the house. My beloved grandchildren are like a red flag to the bull. They come in and she is away to her safe space on one of my book shelves in the bedroom. The only one she just about can compromise with is my oldest girl. She is staying mostly with me when she comes home from London ( occasionally she is at her sister for a night for a good catch up ).

    Alana and Lilly xx

  • Hi Eddie, went off I emailed outlook and it's back on now I have catching up to do now 


  • Alana, Lilly is gorgeous, It's nice she still likes to play and have a cuddle though not being fond of children, more specifically the noise they make is not unusual, cats are very sensitive to changes and little ones can be quite boisterous which is too much for most cats to handle so they retreat to somewhere safe, she looks very relaxed in the photo and has you as her friend, In her world that' all she needs, I think your talking about football, sorry but I have no interest in it, but it's nice to hear you have grandkids too, aren't they fab, best medicine going

    Eddie xx

  • They certainly are a treasure. My younger daughter has 3 boys aged 9,7 and 4  and my son has 1 1/2 x they have a little girl nearly 4 and a little one due at the beginning of August. Yes I did watch the game on Friday but I prefer Rugby to be honest. When we lived in Northern Ireland we used to go to Ravenhill Road and watch Ulster play whenever possible. My ex husband was very much into Rugby. 
    hope you enjoyed your day out with the family. 

    Alana and Lilly x

  • That's wonderful Alana, 4 grandkids with number 5 in August, my youngest daughter is expecting her 5th in less than 3 weeks, now I do like rugby union though on TV as It's  all rugby league near me, I did go to the rugby 7s world cup in Edinburgh 1993 to see a friend play for England ,though I can imagine Ravenhill Park was a lot of fun. My girls took me out for dinner just the four of us, I'm a very lucky man.

    Eddie xx

  • That was quick, what have you been up to today


  • Early dog walk, and family round with lots of food it's been very nice and very tired now , how have you been today?


  • good day too Lee, had Poppy out twice, out again soon for a longer walk, daughters took me out for dinner and was given presents for fathers day, Sheila and me are having meatballs for tea then Poppy out, bath and bed