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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - June 2024

  • 717 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Morning eddie  nothing planned for today. Supposed to rain again later 

  • Good morning all, it's one of those nothing days, just gray.

    Infotainment system on car has crashed, good job it's under warranty, sort it on Monday.

  • Morning Bev, It's depressing this weather, off to walk Poppy, hopefully think of something to do

  • Morning Ulls, infotainment system I have one of those, tuned into radio 2 when I got it and  have never touched it since only volume

  • It worked perfectly then next day when I started the car no infotainment system.

  • Afternoon All

    What a miserable day and chilly.

    Few jobs accomplished, bed changed now, curry all prepared. washing all done, very exciting, i have to say.

    Had a lovely phone call, 90mins long, from a very good  friend, yes we do talk a lot, one has to say.

    We also laugh along the way, simple pleasures of life.

    Why has my notifications stopped from the Mac site, was ok in the week gone, my mind boggles.

    Hope you have enjoyed what ever you may have been doing, if just siting, that is what you may have needed  to do.

  • Ulls, not really my area, you haven't turned the volume right down or switched it off by mistake, I'm guessing it's all automatic with a steering wheel full of controls, at least your still under warranty, they will probably fix it in 2 seconds and make you feel like an idiot, though when I take mine in their probably right

  • Afternoon Ellie, nice to see someone's having a nice day and a curry to come, lovely, my notifications are a little slow but i am getting them, a "strange" thing happened earlier, there is a lady who lives nearby who never talks to anyone, she said hello to me today 1st time ever, anyway i passed her house about a hour later and she was at the window and waved me to stop and asked if i could give her some advice, was raining so got invited in, I didn't know what to think, but went in anyway, straight away she told me she had just been diagnosed with breast cancer and knew i had cancer and that I had worked in cancer care before retiring, I never asked how she knew this I was just relieved she wasn't going to take advantage of me LOL. Anyway as is often the case she had left hospital with no real support or information, While there I called a couple of friends who have been through breast cancer to ask them if they could help, which they will, told her about all the local support centres and the community, I told her the ones I attend and when and if she wants a lift I would be happy to, PS she had told me why she had kept to herself and never talked to anyone, which I'm not going to say, but she was very brave and trusting to tell me, so a nothing day has turned into a good one.

    Eddie xx

  • I bet you thought your luck had changed, we live with HOPE in many  aspects of our lives,  thats for sure.

    What ever her reason,   for acknowledging you, was a bonus.

    I always talk to strangers if they say hi, and one time, a old lady spoke to me, 30mins later, with finished our chat.

    My hubby said to me, do you know her, no i replied, though if i can spare a little time for some one, costs  nothing, and i might be the only person, she has spoken to  in days, so my job is done.

    See your day was an eventful one, in a different way, though a good way.

  • Ellie you know I would never cheat on Sheila, Isn't talking to strangers fab and it's weird how much you open up to them and how long the conversation lasts sometimes, I have always said helping others helps you, and I made a new friend today