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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - June 2024

  • 717 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • I have always been romantic, I still hold hands in public, buy flowers and take Sheila out for meals and romantic breaks, though the hormones do make things a little more emotional, which i like.  I'm sure you can still be romantic with your lady, who could forget the new kitchen tap you got her

  • Well  my company has now all gone.

    My granddaughter was here, not seen her for eight years, the little blonde girl no more, was lovely.

    My eldest and his wife, turned up, this house has been so busy lately,  silence if now golden, me, my self and i, that will do, for me, 

  • What a shame there are not more like you in circulation. Sheila is a very lucky lady that she has found her soulmate with you and equally that you found her. It gives one a bit of faith in relationships back. 

    Warm cuddle to all of you from Alana xx

  • Hi Ellie, that sounds so nice seeing your granddaughter again, 

  • Hi Alana, I am definitely the lucky one, Sheila helped me through the worst year in my life,

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Ellie, Sounds like you have had a busy day with lots of comings and goings!  It is really good at the time but can be exhausting. Wow 8 years is a long time, your granddaughter must have changed a lot in that time and be a young lady now!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Ulls, I'm pleased to hear you were brave and clipped your hair yourself. I'm sure your wife was just taking care of you buying factor 50, the last thing you want is sunburn!

    My husband started loosing his hair when he was in his 50's and he hated it. He started the "comb-over" thing! Who remembers the Hamlet Cigar adverts! Lol! He took the hint and finally let me clip it off after others mentioned the advert to him! Not very subtle but it worked thankfully! Then it took him another month to go out without a hat! So at least you have the thought that yours will grow back, his won't! Hope you have no ill effects after Friday's chemo!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Morning to You All

    It is grey and miserable and yes of course, its raining, so much for summer time.

    I have had company for the last three days, very hectic, though today is for  me only. 

    I hope any appointments or any treatments go well.

    Will be in the Garden later if rain stops, other wise have enough to do in doors.

    Have a good day Everyone,

  • Hi Annette 

    Glad you had a good holiday and now back safe and sound.

    Yes was lovely to see her, she even stayed away from her Dad, and has now come back to the flock.

    She had her  reasons, and now we all know what they where, Happy Days.

  • Good morning Ellie, good to hear you have had a great weekend. Mine was very quiet and cosy. Watched the Athletics and got the ironing out of the way. Got a bit of a cold so did not feel like going out. Is it this week you get your eyes sorted? 

    Hope everyone is doing ok Alana xx