Getting medication

  • 10 replies
  • 43 subscribers

How hard is it to get some meds . So my thyroid been low for two months . Oncologist said I need medication so they will refer me to someone. Asked cant I just go gp. Oh no we will sort it   two months later I get letter telling me I need the medication so just been chemo unit oh go your gp ask them for it Face palm goes gp oh we cant just give you it it goes to our meds team for them to sort . Cant i just see someone and get a prescription i said. Oh no dosnt work like that was her reply.  Do doctors actually exist now or are they a distant memory we had .I've never known such a carry on for some meds 

  • Hi Bev, that's just petty bureaucracy gone mad, no patient should be treated like that, least of all someone in our situation. I would ask my GP whether it's within their clinical competence to prescribe the meds and if the GP can't prescribe safely ask them to inform the recommending doctor. 2 months waiting is ridiculous, maybe have a word with PALS as well. Bev asking about your GPs clinical competence is not an insult it's just that some surgeries don't have the resources to check and monitor certain medications, best wishes.

    Eddie xx

  • How awful to drop between the cracks. I had an immunotherapy adverse event which took out my thyroid (amongst other things) last September. Oncology immediately prescribed levothyroxine and had me on a regular schedule measuring TSH and free T4. After a few weeks, they asked me to contact my GP to take over prescribing. This was seamless, and each time oncology wanted the dosage changes, that was also seamless. So it can work well. I do think my oncology department is excellent, and my GP practice have been good too. 

  • That's a nightmare, Bev.  Slight frown  What are they playing at?  The biggest problem should be the queue at the hospital pharmacy.  

  • FormerMember


    I'm sorry to read that you've had this frustrating experience. It sounds as though you are close to having this resolved if you have seen thyroid specialist and have a hospital letter. I hope that it's just a case of the meds team at the GP surgery dealing with your case.

    It's annoying when we are advised to enquire somewhere and then that's not the case. We feel like we are being given the runaround. I think there have been a lot of changes since COVID and that adds to the confusion.

    Hope you get your meds soon.

    A x

  • Thats the thing I didnt see anyone regarding the thyroid . I just got letter .meds team have gave me them now consultant saying don't really need them and meds team say see my gp again in two months I haven't seen the gp anyway never mind again so I dont no of to take them or not. They currently sat in the chemist waiting for me to go for them . The left hand doesn't no what the right hand is doing with doctors and consultants communicating x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Bev2022

    Aw  sounds a nightmare. I wonder why the Consultant says you don't really need them? Why did he refer you if your blood levels weren't out? I would think about maybe discussing this with a GP before you start them.

    Hope you get sorted

    A x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    The situation sounds a nightmare Bev   not you. Sounded wrong when I read it back x

  • Cant get in to see gp  so don't no what to do. I haven't even collected them form chemist yet. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Bev2022


    Sorry for late reply. Hope it's all worked out ok for you by now. If not, think about ringing the person that referred you's secretary. The number will be on your hospital letters. She can pass on your queries to the consultant and ring you back with advice.

    A x

  • Hiya  I got the tablets from chemist they in cupboard im going to see what my bloods are like in 2 weeks time then go from there x