Massages during chemotherapy

  • 8 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I have an opportunity for a massage by an oncology trained masseur. Is this advised during oral chemo?


  • Hi  

    It may be worth checking with your team first. The nurses on the helpline may also be able to advise you, this is the link to contact

    My experience was that I was refused a massage at a beauty salon type place as the therapist had not done a specific course. They told me that this was for my safety as they didn't want any lymph glands activating incidentally by the massage. 

    A x

  • Hi I could not have massage, when on chemo, not sure about tablet form, i landed up with reiki, which was lovely and relaxing.

  • Hi Lindasue,

    Also on oral chemo (over 12 months) and regularly go for a Swedish type massage they understand where my cancer is and avoid or go very lightly over those areas ,it's important to get some time to fully unwind and relax I think the gains out way the risks , spoke with my consultant and said it's my choice.

    Hope it helps keep smiling Ryan 

  • Hi Lindasue, I have been having massages for some time, both ladies work at hospital and are trained oncology massage therapists and will not see anyone until at least 4 months after treatment, and then only light body massage, but are ok with reiki and reflexology

  • Hi. I too have been told Reiki is the only type of massage I can have.


  • I have reki once a month. I love it its so relaxing. I normally have mine 5pm but yesterday I had it 9am I was shattered for the day and slept like a log on the night x

  • Hi Lindasue, I phoned my masseur earlier and reiki is fine as is reflexology, never had reiki but reflexology is so relaxing i often fall asleep.

    Eddie xx

  • I’ve just been offered Reiki - free session with a friend- who is trained and experienced- I will definitely ask my oncologist and then hopefully get booked in after reading this