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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Ellie,  D E E W? or should I not be asking

  • That  word is back to front

  • Hi Ellie, if you remember a few year's ago you called a member and I Bill and Ben flower pot men, and I said that made you the little tweed, only I use the gardening term for an unwanted plant, W***, my post disappeared for a whole day.

    Can't remember name of other member Ben, he went walkabout and never came back, pity he was fun.

  • Yes i do Ulls,   i said earlier i was in the garden pulling up w  e  e  d  

    The reply has come back now.

    Bill and Ben how can i forget that, was such a good  laugh, Ben was a mad man at times, though we got to know them and  they liked to wind people up, though we all knew that and had a laugh, that is missing now.

    Weather is terrible here today.

  • So, Ellie and long have you both been using the forum? I hadn't realised you'd both been on here a long time. 

    I'll have to save up for your gold watches for long serviice!

    Just back from dog-walking, and having a cuppa before going out to the gardening. The weather here is really good, sunny and warm. I hope it improves where you are Ellie!

  • LOL Katei have been here for over eight years now, s

    Ulls is younger than me, do not worry about a gold watch, i would be quiet happy, with a badge and certificate, 

    and a cheap bottle wine, lol.

    Still raining here, just made my coffee, had to phone British Gas, straight threw my lucky Day,.

    Still raining here going out at 1.50 so could be stopped by then. 

  • Now Ellie I'm only slightly younger than you, but I haven't been on the site as long, actually candysmum, when I joined the incurable club Ellie was the first person to greet me, good old Ellie.

  • See i said  you was my toy boy, you could have said Good Ellie not Good  OLD  Ellie LOL LOL LOL

  • Maybe we could ask the community team to design a certificate for the Incredible Incurables! Awarded annually.... You could paper your living room with all of yours.

    Seriously, you have been really committed to this forum, using it for 8 years and befriending what must be 100's of people in that time. You ARE incredible!

    Bless you. I can only send a virtual bottle of wine...


  • Oh Kate, that was really nice to say.

    Have met some wonderful people and lost some w

    wonderful people, and that hits home at times.

    I always rember i was knew once, and every one welcomed me, and i do try and do the same for others along the way.

    If i can help one person that is my job done,

    ,Thanks though for yiur comment,