Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - April 2024

  • 514 replies
  • 49 subscribers

New month, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Oh Ellie,  hair done all dolled up. Got home 

  • Oh Ellie what a bloody day, yes hair done and dolled  up. Got home had a phone call, asked me questions then said go to Clattabridge now, got there just after 1pm had every blood test going ecg full examination. I've got to have weekly blood tests, if my hemoglobin goes down by 6 points blood transfusion. Oh yes I have bloody covid, so do home tests every 2 days. If breathing gets any worse to phone them. We left the hospital at 5.30 pm. So think I'll have a wine just to spoil myself. Hope the doggies are good for you and enjoy  there carrots l. XX


  • Well, that was a good day, if going to do anything, do not do it by half.You went the whole hogg, as we would say.

    At least you looked good all Dolled Up, and some where to go.

    All jokes aside, hope it all works out, well, will just take time.

    The  dogs where very good, carrots,  cheese and a cuppa, They where in their,  element, got picked up about 5pm lol, 

  • I no lol. Anyway as you say a day out, they taking good care of me. Bit nackered will be going to bed early. XX


  • Morning to you all

    Yes is Friday, where has the week gone, time waits for no man.

    Up and ready to go out, shows you what you can do, when you have to.

    Not a very bright morning, wish we where seeing a little bit of sunshine,

    Hope you all have a good day, what ever is on the cards, any appointment, hope everything, goes well with them.

  • Morning all not slept so quick dog walk and share a sausage butty with Ringo then back to bed it's tepid outside, embrace the and enjoy whatever you're doing 


  • Oh sorry you not slept well, best place is back to bed,, sausage butty making my mouth water, i am of shopping, going to get some sausage's lol later x

  • Enjoy your shop and treat yourself n have a lovely day 


  • You  have a good sleep and catch you later, x

  • Good day all, well back from last hospital appointment and a wee bit of shopping.

    So free till Monday now yippee.

    Hi lee hope you have a better night sleep tonight, I take it they are veggie sausages.