Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - April 2024

  • 514 replies
  • 49 subscribers

New month, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • It work's if you have no heating at all.

    I've just made my COVID-19 jab appointment Thursday 2.30

  • Have you had yours yet Ellie.

  • Not  had any notification as yet. Though i am thinking about not  having another one, i will see.

  • The way I look at it, it can't do any harm.

  • Well it has with some people. caused them problems.

    I have just googled  to see where it is being done in this area, no where near me yet, though will look a little more

  • I've got to travel 6 miles to Gateshead, nowhere in Sunderland yet.

  • That's not to bad really, do not make it easy for people that may have to get there and cannot drive or are a little fragile.

  • Good job I've got a sat nav cos no idea where it is.

  • Hi Ellie and Ulls and all. Had a rocky few days, now I'm anaemic and have to have iron , there still talking blood transfusion, fatigue is getting worse, think I need shooting !!! But hey ho on I go. Rant over. I've a scan in the morning  and got an email to go get my covid jab !! That will have to wait till till things quieten down, refused the shingles jab the other day, I've never had chicken pox. Sorry to hear you've had no electric or Internet and the boiler job Ellie, you deserve a rest. Ulls how many covid jabs have you had I've had 8 uou must be the same . Anyway I hope things get better for us all in the coming week. XX


  • Hi nice to see  you, though sorry you have had a few bad days, hopefully you will start to go on the up.

    I have had loads of problems in doors, with one thing or another, P....d of with it all, thats me being polite , always some thing, just need things to calm down for a short while.

    Glad to see you though. Onwards and Upwards is the way forward.

    Weather been crap last two days, two days of sun then changes. Wish it would make its mind up.