Hi everyone

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I had my results yesterday at the hospital and I thought you would all like to know that I am still in the stable Mabel club I can't still believe it and neither can my consultant and my team I hope this gives hope to other people on here that miracles do happen love and hugs to everyone xxxxx

  • I've been on nivolumab for two years, Simon  . There's a few others in this group on it, or had it too.  Then plenty more in other groups.  

  • 2 years how do you find it do you have any side effects 

  • Sorry you are feeling this way, Scoo33. I also struggle to sleep and the night are too long. Terminal- did they the professionals- say this? I was told I'm incurable but treatable. Probably the same thing. Its a lonely feeling and I wish you sleep and lots of positive thoughts.Heart

  • 2 years how do you find it do you have any side effects 

    My side effects have all been related to immune system imbalances.  I now have impaired kidney function, in the range of GFR between 50 - 57.  Normal for my age is way above 60.  This range is typically akin to my 90 year old Dad's GFR.  But I don't feel ill effects from it.  Then I've had dry eyes, dry mouth, itchiness caused by the immune system attacking itself, 

    I stop in June with the full support of my team!  I'm calling it a day because (a) I reckon I've had all the benefits now and (b) got to stop before I get an impactful or horrible immune response!  Once you get one there's an increased likelihood of more.  

  • Hi Popgate great  news so pleased for you. Long may you continue to be STABLY wow. Xx
