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Lovely Morning-Chit -Chat- Thread - March 2024

  • 444 replies
  • 51 subscribers

New month, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Good morning all, just having  my first cupof tea then I must get up. Treatment this morning. I'm glad its a morning appointment,  but I'll probably sleep this afternoon away. Nice and bright outside.  Hope you all have a good day. Especially our naught little boy  Ulls. xx


  • Hi all, an old couple go into a fast food restaurant he buys one burger one portion of fries, set the trade down between him and his wife and cuts the burger in half putting half in front of his wife he then hops the fries putting half of them in front of his wife, a young man was watching them and he thought they couldn't afford a full meal so we went over and offered to purchase another meal for them, the old man said thank you very much but no we used to sharing everything, the old man eats his burgers and then his prize and the old lady hasn't eaten a single bite, the young man gets up again in office to buy another meal and the old lady says no thank you we used to sharing, after the old man had finished his meal the old man got up again and went over to the lady and said why have you not taken a single bite, theology replied I'm waiting for the teeth.

  • OMY LOL LOL Like it

  • Hi  just reading a letter, from our council.

    Changing our bins days.

    Have to start paying, for garden waste,

    Two more bins, one for food in doors, and one for food outside.

    More bags to be bought, what a waste of money,  do not know why we have dustman, easy job now, to what it used to be.

    Do not bring bins back, have to go looking for them.

    Years ago dustman used to pick a metal bin up and put on theirshoulders.

    Now they wheel them, and cart picks them up, i could wheel them might get a job.

    End of my rant x

  • Our council started charging for garden green rubbish £35 now it's £50, I just put it in my normal bin, as yet we don't have food waste bins, we don't waste much food anyway.

    Councillors don't have to pay for collection.

  • Norming

    well it is to be £80 and £120 next year,

    What they have  spent, on  leaflets and two new bins per household,, a small bin for food collection in doors, then put it  in larger bin, lock it and keep outside.

    I live in a terrace house so another bin out the front, has P....d me of lol

    I am an alarm for emergences  on my wrist, and they are now start charging for them i need to find a job, what god knows. lol

    Bet councillors still get their pay rise in April, our head  of the council, gets more than the prime minster.

    Thy wasted millions investing in a scam, not my fault    end of moan moan moan 

  • Hi Afternoon,  hope treatment goes well, and just take it easy afterwards.

    Lovely and bright, here still, and washing out, so i am happy, simple things please me .

  • That is shocking they charge for bins now! My sister is n a different council to us, she is on the other side of the river Clyde in East Renfrewshire and they have been paying for Green Bins for three years now. Their council was one of the first in Scotland to be charged and they were told it was just a trial!

    Vince keeps complaining about all the services we pay for but don't use like school dinners, school transport, free nursery places etc etc. if/when we have to pay for garden rubbish, I'm sure he will blow his top! In councils where they have started charging, the council spend a lot of time clearing stuff people dump because they refuse to pay! How is that helping cut costs!! Elle that is a lot to pay. My sister payed £10 the first year and now it is £40, nothing like yours though!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • LOL Do  not start me of again, to late my brain, will not switch of lol.

  • Oops Sorry Ellie, I don't want to keep you awake! Sleep well! X

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!