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Lovely Morning-Chit -Chat- Thread - March 2024

  • 444 replies
  • 51 subscribers

New month, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Sorry have had  busy day, up at 5.15 calmed down now lol you missed me i know.

  • I havent had any posts since early this morning. I thought that nobody was on site today. xx

  • I climb the wall everylol  day, with one thing or another

  • I thought nobody was talking to me. Lol. Hospital again today, bloods, still low this that and the othere.  So tomorrow got to go back Hospital again to have tests from the Clinical Decisions Unit, to see what's causing  my bloods to go bonkers. Fingers crossed xx


  • I have had workman in since 8am till four, every tile in bathroom now of, bath out, vanity unit out radiator of wall,. Floor all up, very eery in bath room, not that i can use it.

    Pipes all being laid tomorrow, plaster in Wednesday going to be 9 to 10 days..

    So just had a strip, wash down in kitchen,

    Was awake at 4.15 so will sleep tonight. 

    So i have not been on, makes a change lol x

  • If you had accepted the offer to come here you could have had a proper bath, I'd have even washed your back, I'm very good at it,  InnocentInnocentInnocent

  • LOL That would have been  an experience though very good one

  • Hi everyone. Been to see consultant this morning and started to cry .told him my anxiety is through the roof .he asked why. I said well in 2022 you told me I had up to 12 months to live and I've well passed that so now I'm so anxious every day thinking awful things. He said I'm doing remarkable as people with my cancer generally don't live past 12 months. Keep doing what you doing he said there no reason to suggest you won't be here for years yet as there's other medication I can go on if what I'm on stops working . He's referring me to physiology for my anxiety. I asked about cbd oil he said it won't do me any harm but there's no evidence it will help either so up to me.  Has anyone else tried this . Thanks for reading this long post x

  • Hi Bev, I hope what your  consultant  said has started to calm uou down. My sister bought me cbd oil when I first started treatment,  my oncologist advised me not to take it as it may interfer with the treatment.  I said OK but when treatment stops I'll live on it lol Laughing , she laughs at me. Take care XX


  • Hi Bev, I've been there but it was told by an urologists about life expectancy, I'm now 3 years in and oncologist say's I've many more year's to go, he said there's are more people die with cancer than because of it.