Treatment imminent!

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  • 48 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I haven’t logged on for a while as I’ve been trying to catch up with friends and family before my treatment starts. I had my blood test yesterday, and spoke to the unit where I will have my treatment. I honestly can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’m really hoping they ring me today to tell me I can’t start tomorrow. The more living I’ve done over the past month, the less I want to start. I’m sure I can’t be the only person to have felt like this. I’m working today in the hope that I will “snap out of it”!

  • I find it really sad that some of the worst cancers, and secondaries don’t get hardly any coverage in the media. I have bile duct cancer, and couldn’t find hardly any helpful information about it. Luckily someone pointed me in the direction of AMMF. They’re a charity that supports this cancer. It’s very upsetting when you’re diagnosed in the first place, and to be unable to find out much about it is not helping. I’m so sorry that you lost your mum to it, and at the age you were at the time.

  • Hi

    i agree with you but I think we’re not good at looking at the possibility of death and dying and obviously always want to live long lives. I was mid 40s when I lost my mum but it did feel too early. I’m sorry to hear about the bile duct cancer you have had to cope with, I hope you’re pain free and able to live a little.


  • Meant to mention Jools about Ann Silberman an American woman who has been stage 4 since 2011 with liver metastasis cancer.. she was on chemo for years and has been all clear for two years! Incredible she’s still with us and she started a blog called ‘but doctor I hate pink’ and is very may want to check her out?

  • I’m having counselling to try and make sure that I have accepted that my life will be short. I’m not complaining though. I’ve been to some amazing places and done some exciting things. I’m going to visit local hospice soon. Not because I’m that far down the line, but as Eddie says, they offer other things like counselling and wellness classes. I’m incredibly lucky that I’ve never had any pain from either of my cancers! Fingers crossed it stays that way for a long time.

  • Wow! I will check her out thanks.