Sunday Morning

  • 9 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Morning all.

My breathing has been awful lately, (cancer is such an ass)  consultant decided to give me strong steroids to help. Well a week on and I couldn’t sleep, food had no taste, aching all over, feeling shocking….I think these are the devils work :) so I’ve stopped taking them. 

Today Im looking out of my Yorkshire window at blue sky, my garden is starting to show some signs of life. The blue tits are all over my feeders and it’s making me smile.  Husband is in the kitchen, cooking Sunday lunch for the two of us, warm dog by my leg. 

What are you all thankful for today? I hope you’re all doing okay x

  • Hi Bassy1969, sorry to hear your having problems with striods, mine stopped me sleeping for the first five weeks but getting used to then now sleeping getting better, as for today our main meal is around 5/6 pm, we had sandwiches at midday, getting ready to go to the sea front.

  • Hello Bassy1969 from a fellow Yorkie,, we have had a hour on the allotment just chatting and drinking tea, later off to daughters for dinner. I am thankful to still be able to do the things i can and all my family are in good health, take care.


  • Bit chilly on that sea front today, I reckon? 

  • Is there much growing in the allotment at this time of year? Or is it a social hub?  Glad to hear family is well x

  • Thank you, I hope your family is well too, there are a few cauli's some spinach, cova, calabrese leaves and cabbages, though it's the socializing that takes me there at this time of year.


  • Yes it was chilly but there a group of seat's which has a large wall behind them sun is Infront makes it nice and warm.

  • Hi Bassy, I never find it cold at the sea front whatever the season.

    However we have just come back to hotel after a walk on prom in Benidorm! The Spanish are wearing coats, hats, scarfs, boots, I hove on cotton trousers & tee shirt!

    I have to use a wheelchair now (& can't say I like it) but if it allows me to come away, it's worth it and I'm thankful just to be here.20C today ideal!
    I couldn't stay on steroids either, they made me sick & shakey! Glad you got used to them Ulls!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks for the hug Onk, how are you doing?  We are just back from a delicious meal in the hotel! I seem to have more time to text while on holiday than when at home because it's just my husband & I this year! Grandchildren now too old to miss school! I'm getting texts & messages every day, so that's nice!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette great to hear the holidays going well and it's warm too. Just to let you know, regarding the message, my E-mail is playing up so i had to send it  via friends on the forum, and it is in two parts, don't ask. Have a wonderful time in Spain, take care.
