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Hi Folks

has anyone gone for counselling specific to living with incurable cancer? How did you find someone and do you just chat to them about cancer or other stuff too? I was in counselling during my bereavement and divorce years but am thinking I would like someone to talk to about getting this diagnosis and coping with the treatment. I looked at the Macmillan site and it seems they only offer 6 sessions - has anyone used this service and how did they find it? Is there any good counsellors out there who maybe are doing online counselling that specialise in this area? Any advice would be helpful x

  • Hi Thea, I have counselling at my local hospice, arranged by a macmillan nurse there and can talk about almost anything, never used the macmillan online counsellors though i know people who have and found it very helpful, I had about a 4 week wait for first weekly session and because of my deteriorating condition have been told they are for life. Thea i have heard Marie Curie have counselling and psychologist sessions, maybe worth a look at their web page, take care.


  • Hi im having the 6 weeks free counciling now with bupa through mcmillian I suppose in a way it depends on who you get to speak to. I had it last year and it was brilliant for me. We spoke about everything and anything  this time round I don't get that feeling. That could be me though expecting the same as before or do I need a different kind of counciling this time. At the minute I can't stop thinking I'm waiting to die . Yes everyone can say that I no but out minds work different to others who don't have incurable cancer . If I was you I'd give it a go you have nothing to loose by trying it.  Xx

  • Hi Thea,

    I have well-being counselling via my employer. The counsellor knows my circumstances and, whilst not a cancer support specialist, I found talking to an ‘independent’ third party allowed me to say somethings I probably wouldn’t say to my immediate family (because of my love for them and desire to protect them).

    My cancer also led to the onset of FND. To help me manage the condition I have been seeing a psychologist but the sessions have become more like counselling as, as I told the psychologist, whilst I recognise the cancer and FND are separate medical conditions (with separate care teams) to me they are one and same, meaning I can’t talk about the cancer without talking about the FND and vice versa. I think once you start talking about the cancer you’ll naturally bring up other stuff; or in my case you start talking about FND and end up discussing cancer.

    Until I got ill I was a bit skeptical about talking therapy but having received both general well-being and condition specific counselling I would recommend giving it a try. The hard part is getting started (nobody wants to bear their soul to a stranger) but once you take the plunge you will, hopefully realise it's good to talk’!

    All the best.


  • Hi  

    I had counselling and was referred by my CNS, it was a local counselling service and was (I think) funded by Macmillan. It was telephone appointments each week for 6 weeks. It helped but I was finding that chemo made me emotional, either the drugs or the environment and broke down one day. One of the chemo nurses referred me to psychiatry services at a local hospital. This was only a few sessions but helped a lot more. At the time I was reading Dame Deborah James' book - How to live when you could be dead. This in conjunction with the counselling helped me take control back of my life. 

    A x

  • Hi Bev, took my son and his family to seaside, first time i had seen him in nearly a year, went better than i could have wished for, lovely day and lots of tears but so happy, hope you and your family are well, take care.


  • Aww thats so lovely to read ,I'm so happy it all went well. Onwards and upwards now for you both now x

  • Thank you so much Bev.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Eddie, That was terrific you had a day out with your family and especially getting a nice day for it. I just love the sea side and we go all year through no matter the weather! I love to see and hear crashing waves and even if it is snowing, I MUST have an ice cream!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!