Secondary breast cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 43 subscribers

Hi all, 

I noticed that a couple of new people have joined recently with this diagnosis. I just wanted to say that there is an excellent group on Facebook called Make 2nds Count. It’s a charity and offer amazing retreats. I went on one in September and had a wonderful time. More importantly though I met a group of women all going through the same thing. Some with same treatment as me so we could compare notes. We had such a laugh and could talk openly about what we were going through with people that  understood.  would recommend you join and if you don’t do FB they do have a website and are on other social media platforms I believe. And please message me if you want to. 
love Jac x

  • Thank you for sharing this  it has made me think back to when my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in the late 80’s. She went to recuperate in an old mansion house, that had been made into a home for ladies who were recovering from mastectomy’s. She was there for 2 weeks and made friends with other ladies there. When my sister had her mastectomy in 2019, we said what a shame there wasn’t such places still around. My sister felt like she was very much left to just get on with things, with no support which was a completely different experience our mum had all those years ago. 

    Make 2nds count sounds like a wonderful charity, I will take a look. Thank you for sharing x 


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