Ever wonder if anyone famous is on here?

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  • 47 subscribers

I have Stage 4 lung cancer, so whenever Johnny Irwin or Esther Rantzen is in rhe news,   I find myself following their stories closely.

They seem to be doing well which gives me some hope.

Have just watched Esther's daughter on Loose Women, which was very interesting. Esther has joined Dignitas apparently.  I would also like a choice of how and when to die.

In this country pets have dignified peaceful deaths, but we don't.  Its not right.

  • I have been watching that, Sister Moon, though have recorded last nights one, the last, so glad no spoilers as such.  lol

  • I'm like you, it's the whole long, drawn out indignity of the whole process of dying that bothers me.

    I don't want my relatives seeing me like that. 

    I think it will be a few years before assisted dying is legal in this country.  But hopefully future people with life limiting illnesses will be able to benefit from it.

  • Yes, I watched True Love.

    It was brilliant. What tremendous acting 

    It touched upon the fact that assisted dying 'can' be abused by some despicable relations. .  Poor Marion!

  • Hi Harebelle could not agree more about anonymity, I think without it the macmillan community would be diminished in many ways


  • Jonnie Irwin has died.. Gutted for him, he was only 50 with a young family.

    I was following his story as he has the same cancer amd stage as me and I found it inspirational that he lasted so long after diagnosis, as lung cancer patients at stage 4 don't usually have a good prognosis.

    I hope it was peaceful.

  • Terrible news 


  • I just read that.

    I was told stage four, from day one, and for me, will be 8years next month., not every one is so fortunate, i am sorry to say.

  • I was told stage 4 only September so god only knows when the reaper will pop up on me , I have a MRI Tesla Wednesday I'm not looking forward but hey ho


  • Oh Lec so early for you,, we all think like that at the start,, no one knows, yes i am lucky, though still same think all this time scans, bloods face to face so live 3 months to the next, have had a few problems fractures in pelvis and few others, onwards and upwards and a heart attack, lol big girl knickers pulled up keep going. 

  • Hi Harbelle not a big TV watcher bud did see Jonny Irwin talking about cancer on the BBC, Really nice guy and not very old, at peace now.
