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Lovely Morning-Chit -Chat- Thread No 19

  • 1154 replies
  • 49 subscribers

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Daily Life chit chat going for bloods, scan appointment ,shopping, cutting grass, what ever, even  watching tv,  reading a good book ,what ever your day may bring, as that is normal life, as such, and we all have a life.

If you have a special topic, please start a new thread, then people if they can help or advise, know what the subject is.

Hope this is to everyone's approval, i will ask the Mods to close No 18, when they can..

  • Here we go, here we go, here we go, start of another day.

    Lovely and bright here and dry.

    Bed now stripped, and if that is the only job, today so be it.

    .Phone call yesterday  for appointment for phone call, next Wednesday, she said two weeks, and scan would have been done..

    I phoned nurse, i do not have appointment for scan, some one had cancelled it, cannot get the staff these days so now waiting for that to be sorted..

    Have a good day Everyone. 

    • Good morning Ellie,  well I've had breakfast, done my exercises and danced around my flat like a loon. Just having a cup of tea, feel good today. I hope your scan is sorted for you soon. I had my oncologist appointment. and phoned the scan department and asked when it was so she said oh yes I can make it for you now.  31st January. We go throught this ritual every 3 months. Anyway the sooner you know what the prognosis is the better. Have a good day and just do your own thing xx
    • Moi
  • Well another job, turned the matteress, it fell, against table lamp, smashed  the table lamp, glass  every where.


    So now pull units out and hoover, life is not easy at times, x

  • Well your lucky Moi, i was there last Wednesday and scan to be done in two weeks, nothing as yet and phone consolation next Wednesday,

    Then Oncologist on Holiday going, to Japan, alright for some.,

  • Good morning all oppsss afternoon, rheumatoid arthritis in hands and left knee playing up today, no way I could throw a mattress about, you don't know you own strength Ellie.

    Moi, nothing wrong with dancing like a loon in your own home, might get odd looks in a supermarket.

  • LOL Knackered now though,. the weather can effect your joint's,,

    Roll on the spring and bit of normal warmth, without heating on. 

  • Hi Ulls Don't think Ellie knows her own strength lol. Sorry your in pain today Ulls Ellie  quit right weather does affect your arthritis. Keep warm might help . xx


  • Thanks had to get down on hands and knees, its then getting up, the problem,

    Accidents happen, and then pull units out glass all behind them, hard life at times.

    I am not well you know

  • Ulls get Julie, to put her warm hands on you, where it hurts,    Wrists and knee springs to mind.