Answer to My Question.

  • 21 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Thank you all, well i in one way have an answer, a another Brain scan with in the next two weeks, a blip was found on  my 3 monthly scan, and now new guide lines incorporate a brain scan for lung cancer people.

Radiologist. Thinks i have had a mini stroke, or might be a small bleed, if it gets bigger, then cancer, the best of three take your pick..

I have had no weakness, slurred speech, trouble with eyes, though i have had that a while now as waiting for 2 cataracts to be done..

If a stroke, referred to stroke unit for more tests, if C then radiotherapy, at a big hospital in London, i do not have time for all this.

My Oncologist said, i am  one of, never had a patient like me, thank goodness, i bet she is thinking.

Her words your first chemo caused a heart attack, last year fractures in pelvis, caused by treatment, now some thing else,  i did say i warrant a Gold Medal.

Same oncologist for 7 years every three months, then Mrs Ellie, i have know one else  on my lists that have lasted this long..

Was told to make sure i get Power of Attorney in Place, because i told her if i have a massive stroke, i do not want to be resuscitated, if cancer i will carry on fighting

Thank you All, xx