To everyone

  • 5 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Wishing everyone a happy Christmas and a happy and peaceful new year xxx

  • A merry Christmas to you too Popgate and may 2024 be a good year

    Judy xxxx

  • Yes, best wishes to all RelaxedChristmas tree  

  • Merry Christmas to ALL! Have a lovely Christmas and a Healthy, Happy 2024!
    I can hardly believe I'm still here!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes, hope everyone on the forum is having a lovely Christmas. This time last year, I was waiting to start palliative chemotherapy after a recurrence after 4 years reprieve following hysterectomy. I thought we’d crushed it despite it being an aggressive one. I really don’t take any day for granted now. Could this be my last Christmas? I suppose it could, but every day is precious whatever we’re celebrating.

    I’m having a good day with small groups of family at a time, enjoying time with them all. On immunotherapy now and struggling a bit with side effects but able to take part in things and appreciate company and good food (in small amounts!)

    love to all xxx

  • Hi Bev. (GCL)

    In this group we learn to deal with all sorts, especially recurrences and side effects, as you know! However the fact you are on immunotherapy means your Oncologist thinks it could work, or you wouldn't be on it as it is very expensive!

    I'm sure there is no one in this Group who takes each day for granted and most of us at some stage have thought "Will this be my last Christmas"!  I now think this may not be my last Christmas as I'm eleven years this year after being diagnosed in 2013 with stage4 Malignant Melanoma and given 5-7 months! At that time we had one granddaughter! Now we have a second granddaughter and also a grandson and I've seen them all start school! Miracles do happen Bev so I hope immunotherapy is your miracle drug!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!