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Lovely Morning - Chit - Chat - Thread No 18

  • 790 replies
  • 50 subscribers

New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life, chit chat, going for Bloods, Scan Appointments. going Shopping, Cutting your Grass, what ever you may doing that Day, even if just watching TV.

Oncologist  Appointment, getting your Hair done, or just for a Walk, this is part of our Life.

If you have a special Topic, please start a New Thread, so others can see it, and Comment if they can help or Advise.

Hope Every One Approves of this.

Number 17 will be closed by Mods,

Merry Christmas to you All, and A Happy New Year.

  • Well at least someone can score a point, unfortunately not you mate.

  • I am as sure, as my name is ellie 

  • Well MSG23,  If you believe EVERYTHING these two (BP & Ulls) say, you'll be making history!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • When I saw your name pop up I thought at last someone sensible, guess I think that out again.

  • Hi you two, I'm sitting on the shelf  or even the fence and you can't beat Heinz Tomato. That is unless it's home made BY ME!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Spouse wants know if BP and I are winding eachother up, as if 

  • Ulls, Why are you posting twice? Is it just in case BP didn't see the first one!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That sounds most uncomfortable Annette, can't stand Heinze tomato soup it has an odd after taste.

  • Didn't know I had, can only see one on mine. I have to be careful with BP and not use big words 

  • Well, as we say, "you couldn't write it"!   I had an appointment for the Liver Clinic this afternoon and when I got there, after looking for a parking space for 20 minutes, the nurse apologised and said we will do your bloods but we can't do the usual Ultrasound! So of course I asked why! The answer was because the doctor who does the scans took Covid last week and is off. So I asked is there no one else who could do it. Reply, "oh yes but the machine needs a Deep Clean and there's no one to do that, so we can't use it!" Unbelievable!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!