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Lovely Morning - Chit - Chat - Thread No 18

  • 790 replies
  • 50 subscribers

New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life, chit chat, going for Bloods, Scan Appointments. going Shopping, Cutting your Grass, what ever you may doing that Day, even if just watching TV.

Oncologist  Appointment, getting your Hair done, or just for a Walk, this is part of our Life.

If you have a special Topic, please start a New Thread, so others can see it, and Comment if they can help or Advise.

Hope Every One Approves of this.

Number 17 will be closed by Mods,

Merry Christmas to you All, and A Happy New Year.

  • I am glad, it is going in the right direction, thats what we like to here.

    Went to bed 11.30, woke up dead on 4, still laying there at five ,and alarm was set for six, so just got. up.


  • Hi ellie. I dread lying there in the dark for hours trying to get off again. Longing to see the light come through the blinds. I think I should give up sometimes and get up and make a cuppa, just to break the pattern, but that usually means I'll drop off and then wake up again because of the tea! What do others do to break a bad sleep pattern? It doesn't seem to matter how tired I am when I go to bed. Yawn. Yawn. Yawn.  Rainie x

  • Certain people, and I'm sure you can all guess who, have reminded me that it's high time I organised another virtual bash for everybody.

    I thought that this time, as Christmas is virtually upon us and we're all quite busy, perhaps it would all give you something to look forward to if we had a NEW YEAR MASKED COSTUME BALL. As usual, it'll be at my mansion in the wilds of Norfolk, but worry not as this year you can book a lift to the event with either the courtesy helicopter or one of the chauffeured limos.

    This will give you time to put your thinking caps on and decide what famous person you're going to come as. Be sure to add your Forum name and your famous name/title to this thread. As usual, there will be a full champagne buffet with, this year, an Italian ice-cream bar [complete with Italians]. Bon Appetite.

    Bring who you want to of course, even your own husband/wife. FYI: I've already nabbed Gary Oldman so make your own arrangements.




    PS Music will be supplied by The Eagles [always] and Bruce Springsteen.

    Others can be supplied on request.

  • This all sounds ticketyboo but I am in that unhappy position of always being asked to take my mask off as it it frightens the horses and young children.

    I always thought it was a joke until someone told me they meant it.

    this will be novel for me as it will be the first time I have been asked to put a mask on!

    No need for Ulls to say ‘ in that case, come as you are’

    I will be taking my online bird, Ellie, she has always complimented me on my twisted nose, sticky out green ears and my mismatched, long and pointed Hampsteads.

    we shall consult and RSVP with our choice of personage.

    thank you Rainie, (helicopter for us)

  • Bet no one shouts take it off, take it off. Oppps 

  • Beauty is in the eye, of the beholder. so i rest my case.

    Looks like i may be out New Year, who knows.

  • Thanks Ulls Ray had a lovely birthday.  Hope you gp appointment went well xx


  • Hi Rainie,  on my early days I just get up have tea and toast and watch any programs I've missed on catch up. I either fall asleep after that or just get on with the day.

    Your new year party will be great,  I'll have to put my thinking cap on.

    My lovely grandson Tom who is 13 and stands at 5'10" tall said "nanny are you 4'10" " I replied that's what the nurse said, I've shrunk 2". He replied well you are officially a Dwarf !!!!  I replied well A Merry Christmas to you !!!! The cheeky thing. Lol Ho Ho Ho xx


  • Hi Ulls steroids for the foreseeable,  well if they bring uour numbers down great, hope you don't get to many side effects. Have a good day. Just going to have breakfast xx


  • Hi i have shrunk  as well, you know what they say, couple of extra inches mean a lot to some people. xx