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Lovely Morning - Chit - Chat - Thread No 18

  • 790 replies
  • 50 subscribers

New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life, chit chat, going for Bloods, Scan Appointments. going Shopping, Cutting your Grass, what ever you may doing that Day, even if just watching TV.

Oncologist  Appointment, getting your Hair done, or just for a Walk, this is part of our Life.

If you have a special Topic, please start a New Thread, so others can see it, and Comment if they can help or Advise.

Hope Every One Approves of this.

Number 17 will be closed by Mods,

Merry Christmas to you All, and A Happy New Year.

  • Well that is not nice, i have not been mean to you.

    I hope Father Christmas, does not visit you, only goes to GOOD CHILDREN put that in your pipe,

  • Only banter my lovely friend, nothing meant by it.

    I sometimes say things I don’t mean, it’s because I’m not well.

  • lol i know your jesting, though Daddy Bear and Mumma Bear could always adopt you, and you will be baby bear

  • I don’t mind you adopting me, it’s that dodgy daddy bear Ulls that I’ve no wish to share my porridge with.

  • Mamma Bear will just make extra so Daddy Bear, will not go with out, then a happy family.

  • I’m not sharing a bed, well, not with Daddy bear that’s for sure.

  • To all you long serving members, do you remember Rainie’s virtual party.?

    I was hoping that now she has time on her hands she may invite us all again on the premise that things wouldn’t get out of hand like last time.

    so, no assignations in her shed, with either fellow chums or the neighbours Labrador .

    of course serious drinking can take place for those that want to, those that don’t can take the rest of us home.

    If the memories are too upsetting for Rainie, Ellie always lays on a good bash.

    I will organise things that need organising, please send money to my GoFund me page to cover my expenses.

    suggested donation, 15 of your finest Squids each.

    looking forward to your positive views.

    BP, not well but will soldier on regardless.

  • BP your do mean especially at this time of year no wonder all the animals leave you for Ellie, I don't want to share a bed with anyone other than mama bear, and as Larry and Tommy has the spare bed I'll get a put you up in the shed. Merry Christmas.

  • Well I can’t be ungracious and say no thanks, that might be the best and only offer.

    let me consider in case of other offers, thanks mate.

  • That could be your best offer though, i will persuade Daddy Bear, that we provide an air matteress, so a bit more home from home/

    We are kind and caring and could be your Best Christmas, to date.,