Terminal pancreatic cancer with metastasis in the liver

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  • 43 subscribers

Hi I am 81 and have been given a prognosis of 4 to 6 months. I was found in February of this year to have grade one cancer of the lining of the womb. I had a hysterectomy. Later I was being dreadfully sick, had a liver biopsy to find that I had grade 4 pancreatic cancer moving into the liver. I really don't know how to feel about it. It's so much to take  in. My husband is 75 and not that well. Also has absolutely no idea of the kitchen. What an earth he will do I don't know. The cancer is now making my back painful. I was given morphine to take when at the cancer unit this week.That frightens me as I thought that was given near the end. gb81

  • Hi

    I am sorry you have had to come here, though you are very welcome.

    Have you been offered any treatment as such.

    Its a lot to take in as you say, and i really do not have the answers for you.

    Pain medication, is to help you, deal with the pain, and know it does not mean, you are near the end, there are loads of people taking pain medication.

    I hope other come along with a bit more advise for you, as i do not have all the answers. you if they can.

    Please use this group, every one will hel

  • Thank you for giving me advice. Any help is good. Hope I will be able to sleep tonight. My head goes round and round wondering when this will  happen and if I will be strong enough. I am sorry that so many people are infected with the word 'cancer'. It takes away all your reasoning. 

  • Hi GB81 and welcome to this amazing Group. We all know how you are feeling because we have felt it too.

    When I got diagnosed I was told 5-7 months and like your husband, mine didn't have a clue of how to work the white goods in the kitchen. That very day, I decided I wasn't going to leave him without teaching him how to use the Microwave, even if it was just to heat up ready prepared meals. Once we had done that, we moved onto the cooker to make a basic meal. I only showed him one of the 8 programmes on our Washer/dryer that covered most things, how to pack and put on the Dishwasher, how to put things in freezer bags and label them, keeping things in separate drawers etc.

    He kept saying to people " after being married 40 odd years, I'm a husband 'in training'!" I must say we have had fun doing it and laughed when he did everything right but forgot to turn on the oven and turned on the grill instead! It gave us both something to focus on instead of the cancer!

    I am now well passed my sell by date as a Trial Drug worked for me but he is still learning and we celebrated our 52nd Wedding Anniversary in October! Never give up hope, they are inventing new treatments all the time. I wonder have you asked about Trials etc?

    I noticed you haven't filled in your Profile Page yet, so why not copy & paste your post into it. You can see others Profile Pages by clicking onto their username. Others generally like to read a bit about you before they reply, so it is a good thing to do now!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Dear Annette  thank you for replying and I am so pleased everything looks positive for you. I  have not been offered any trials and don't know anything about them. I am trying to sort out the things that my husband must learn as well as the file that contains everything "to know" when things have happened.

    I don't really know how to sort the profile page. In fact, to be honest it's hit or miss with me that I answer correctly. Usually I know exactly what to do, but it seems to have left me for some reason..

    We were having a laugh last night, the Christmas lights have decided to do so their own thing, going off when they think it's time.it's weird.Don't mind really though as I usually can't find the boxes to turn them off hidden in the decorations, leaving an area that looks like a bomb has dropped.

    Enjoy your Sunday and do take care. Keep warmx

  • Hi Gb1. It’s a lot to take in when we are given our diagnosis. A multitude of emotions and ideas come to us. After nearly 55 years of being married to Ritchie he has finally been able to conquer folding the ironing board. I actually took a photo shot of it lol!!  
    my mum took morphine for years ( she had post polio syndrome) so i don’t think you need to worry too much about that. 
    Take care we are all here for you. 
    Judy xx

  • I am pleased that I am not the only one that has a dysfunctional hubby. At this moment he is trying to put together a walker with a seat. Bless him, he really does try. I am bursting to say "can I he a go" Trouble is I had to do all these things, I was a single mother to my two girls for 30 years, determined above all things not to marry again !!! Met my husband when I was 67, I am 81 now and n't regret changing my mind. I just wish I had let him do more instead of being this knowall.No mouth He will find it very difficult, but I am sure he will get there. He has , and is, looking after me.

    I am having a "not so good" day today. Was very sick when I got up and have a painful back. I am sure there are people who can't even get up. It would be better if it was warmer. Just listen to me moaning Judy. 

    I hope you are having a good day, after all with Christmas coming its all hands to the wheel . Take care and keep warmxx

  • Sorry you are feeling bad today and it's good to moan, your in the right place to be heard and not judged.

    Yes, the horrible cold, wet weather isn't  helping at all. I can't walk my dog, Ollie at the moment as my legs, ankles and feet are so painful and swollen at the moment (see the GP on Tuesday) that poor Ritchie has to go out and walk him....moan moan moan is what I get when he gets back. He's fed up living here but the rest of the world isn't much better at present.

    I haven't got my tree up yet. My son was coming round to get it out the loft but he's got a dreadful cough and cold. Old friends are coming to visit on Thursday (our 55th wedding anniversay. Our friend was his best man!) so they can help me decorate it, I'm sure it will out the loft by then.

    What a romantic story you meeting your hubby. Ritchie said, what an exciting journey we've been on. well! we've ceraintly climbed the highest mountain and walked the deepest valley together!

    Oh! and I have always tended to do things myself as I am a great inspector of work done and for example usually end up giving the lawn another trim to get it the way I like it. But when we are struck down I have had to learn to be humble or turn a blind eye!Wink

    Judy xxx

  • My husband has completed his task and my walker is up and running. There is a slight niggle at the back of my mind whispering what an idiot I will look when I end up in my bottom.Joyhave to take 2.5 mls of oralmorphine when I start it. It has taken me an age today to find a measure. I have ended up with syringes. Not VERY good at this measuring larkThinking I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sundayxx

  • Clever hubby! I see you have a sense of humour. That helps in our situation Joy I’m the same…don’t understand measurements. Our generation dealt with the old measures. Finally done what I have to do and sitting down with a pizza Pizza it’s American football on sky till all hours. Glad we have 2 TVs. 

    Bye for now xxx

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read of your diagnosis and prognosis. Welcome to our group. Everyone here has some understanding of how you feel as we are all in the same/similar position. Everyone is also very supportive, as you have found out from the replies. It's typical of us to not think of ourselves and that you are worried about your husband and his kitchen skills. I hope he is making great progress. If you've not already, ask your GP to do a home visit, they will assess your health at the moment, how you are managing and put you in touch with any services you may need. Keep in touch.

    A x