Good morning

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  • 43 subscribers

Scan-anxiety hi to you all it’s lovely to read your snippets of normality and life. I’m struggling personally with my gal 68 results not arriving from London. The oncologist was surprised as they seem late to him too. They are supposed to give me a leading for lanreotide or everolimus to treat the nets to my spine. Knowing how this will affect my working or not in the next few weeks is very stressful.I have been told they both affect your digestion and bowels. Working in education does not really give you options of running to the loo! Pensive

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that you have scan anxiety. I've got one coming up so can relate. I hope you are coping ok with the  the bone mets and have plenty of of pain killers. Hope you get your results soon. Well done on still working, I took ill health retirement, there was no way that I would have had the stamina to return. Good luck with those drugs and their effects.

    A x

  • Hi Lindasue

    Scannxiety is awful. We’re waiting too but for husbands this time. I too was in education, a teacher and couldn’t cope with the pace so took ill health retirement and I’m so pleased I did. I have a lovely life doing lots of things that teaching didn’t give me time for. Good luck! 
    jac x