We're off to see the Wizard... aka Oncologist...

  • 3 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Good morning fellow warriors. I hope you are all doing as well as can be expected.

Something of a brief update. I have now completed 5 fortnightly sessions of immunotherapy (nivolumab) and off to see the wizard (oncologist) this afternoon. I have not suffered too badly at all with any side effects and I hope to find out today when they might scan to see if any affect on the now incurable tumours etc. Growth has caused mouth / jaw to contract somewhat so diet moved largely back to liquid/very soft but managing ok to well on that without tube for now.

So whilst I am now palliative I remain positive and hopeful that nivo and / or whatever next defence might be, will buy me/us some more time. I think it's now that I have accepted living with cancer as opposed to beating cancer and it's not too bad .... did I really just type that?!

Stay warm, dry and rested if you can and don't let the b!£$^$!&D grind you down! 

  • Hi i am glad, you have not suffered to much, every one, is so different.

    I hope the Wizard has waved their wand, and it is good news for you,, thoughts are with you

  • I love the fact you refer to your oncologist as “the wizard”! That did make me laugh. I’m seeing mine tomorrow following a second liver resection last week. I’m not expecting much as this appointment was planned prior to surgery. I hope you have a scan booked really soon. None of the waiting is easy, but at least once an appointment is scheduled you can focus more. Good luck.

  • Hi GeneS, I hope the immunotherapy has done its work and there is good news ahead! Well the fact that you did say what you did, means you are coming to terms with all this and that's half the battle!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!