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I am new here and have been diagnosed with terminal cancer. I was a carer for my husband and when I was in A&E he had a seizure and also had to be admitted on the same day. He was discharged before me and was sent to a home for respite. I had a bowel stent fitted and was told I needed further scans MRI  l was told I had cancer of bowel so I was quite hopeful but after discharge and further scans it had travelled to liver extensively and was in the blood so it was terminal. I was told I should no longer care for my husband who is twice my weight and a foot taller as well as mobility problems, epilepsy, diabetes and dementia. I am so sad and he feels  I am leaving in a home to rot ( his words not mine)

I am having biopsy results and seeing enology next week to see if there is any form of treatment . It all happened quickly as I had tests by doctor three months ago and even bowel test was clear as was bloods and they said they couldn’t find anything wrong even though I said I did not feel myself.since having the stent I have felt fine but wonder what is going on inside.

I am fighting against the social worker who thinks my husband is capable of coming home with two carers 4 times a day but I don’t think possibly 8 different people in and out the house while I might be having chemotherapy is a good idea. We will have to pay as my husband has a good government pension as well as a full OAP .

I am interested in

alternative therapies to go along side chemotherapy if I get it.Has anyone any ideas and how they can be sourced and the cost please?

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read of your diagnosis and all the other things happening alongside. A warm welcome to the group. Everyone is friendly and supportive here as you will find out when more replies come along. I have had a different type of cancer and I am currently stable after treatment. If you would like to read my profile just click on my username. It is a good idea to write a profile yourself as it helps in others replies to you and saves you repeating yourself. Just click on your own username, profile and save at the end. You can add to it at any time.

    Macmillan centres usually provide alternative therapies. My specialist nurse referred me and I was offered reiki or reflexology. I hope things get sorted for you re your husband and his care. 

    A x

  • Hello LucyB23 welcome to the forum from a fellow terminal. It certainly is a roller coaster ride learning you have terminal cancer you are absolutely right  with chemotherapy you need to isolate as much as you can, and as someone who use to be in healthcare it is not  just a case of 8 people visiting but that they have probably done 12 other visits, increasing your risk enormously, regarding alternative therapies, i do a few through macmillan, local hospice, council, Maggies Places and a local cancer charity. some are free or the first few weeks are free, some charge  £3 to £4. they are usually easy to find, and i would not be without them.i do massage £30 but first 8 free, exercise £3, but relaxation, managing fatigue and counciling free. I wish you well on your journey and hope the social worker sees what an impossible situation she is putting you in, I would talk to my medical team. take care