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Lovely Morning Chit - Chat No 17

  • 730 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Another, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat, for bloods, Scans, Appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV, , what ever you day has in store for you .that is daily life

Even having a laugh that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic, please start a new thread, so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

So No 16  will be cancelled, and new one is No 17,

Hope this to everyone's approval.


  • Hi BP your so right if the Dr. Happy Blush that says it all, happy days xx


  • I  put my tree up and decorated it on the 1st, though lights never got switched on till i was fed up.

    Tom always done it, so now my job, and one i hate though done now.

  • I could see it far enough, though i made the effort, i do not know why, quiet happy with out it all, at the moment.though tomorrow another day.

  • Sound like you're feeling down, Christmas does that.

  • LOL Does it show

  • Hi Ulls, It's good if your blood sugar isn't alarming your GP. I had a terrible time with steroids and will never go back on them!

    I hope once they are out of your system, everything will settle down!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good morning to everyone. I hope everyone is well. Sorry to read that youre feeling down Ellie but how good are you for putting decorations up. Ive been a bit down maybe we have the christmas blues. I hope that anyone who has any scans or appointments have had good results.  A lot of rain and wind here so if you are going out wrap up. xxx

  • Morning

    Quiet mild this morning, and sun is out, just got a thinner jumper out, hate being to warm, when shopping.

    Sorry you fill a bit down as well, bit like a virus, it does catch on.

    Yes going shopping, my list keeps getting  longer.

    My daughter has been rough all week, and tested last night, got covid, so she has given me a shopping list for her, onwards and upwards. x

  • I think you love Christmas when you are young then it is a huge nuisance at any other time. 

    Mr Scrooge.

  • So sorry that your daughter has covid it must be a big worry for you i hope she gets better soon. Glad you have got better weatherwhere you are might make shopping more bareable. Sounds like you will need one of those big trolleys so a rest halfway round for a reviving cuppa should be on the list. I dont like those trolleys i can never control or steer them. Hope you have a good shopping day and any other plans you have. xxx