Rare genetic mutations

  • 12 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hello you lovely people. I saw my oncologist on Tuesday who confirmed that I am now classed as incurable. I have now received a letter, in my online records, stating that I have a rare genetic mutation, EGFR. My lovely oncologist has said that she will apply to the board for hi cost cancer treatment, if I get offered surgery at the liver specialist hospital next Tuesday! Do any of you have any experience of dealing with this board? Many thanks in advance.

  • Sorry I’m being overly sensitive at the moment! I have been offered surgery. There was no suggestion that it was not going to be offered, so I’m a bit annoyed with the oncologist. I know how lucky I am, and have just been given a date for my pre-op!! I will be given a date for surgery when I go to that appointment. I read your profile. You certainly have been through some tough times. I hope you are still well.

  • I'm so glad you will have the surgery...best thing ever!!! And yes i am still doing fine, will have a new scan this month, so fingers crossed.