When to get COVID and flu jab

  • 6 replies
  • 45 subscribers


Has anyone got any information on when cancer patients should have the COVID jab and flu jab? 

I'm thinking best thing is to ring my oncologist but wondered if anyone had heard if there's a specific time people on chemo should or shouldn't have the jabs?

Many thanks

Sue x

  • Hi Suze99

    It is probably best to consult with your oncologist as we are all different, but I was told about 6 weeks ago that if you're having treatment,  it is not recommended to have the vaccine 3 days either side of having your treatment.

    Check it out because since I asked, they have changed their minds and advised me not to have mine until I'm feeling better.

    Helen xx

  • Hi I’ve just been notified to have my flu jab this Saturday of next. Seeing that I’m having chemo this Friday I will have to ring and see if it’s ok to have it. 

    Judy x

  • Hi  

    May be worth ringing your GP as I think they will be the ones to organise it.

    A x

  • Hi Sue I rang my cancer nurse speciailist who said that I can have the flu jab seven days  after my chemo. which is ok for the date i was offered.


  • Hi Sue, I asked my cancer nurse each time Ive had the covid or flu jab . I'm on monthly immunotherapy, and was told to have the jabs in the middle  it may be different for other treatments. I had  my covid last sunday and am having my flu jab sunday coming. xx


  • I was told to have it second week after immuno, so went early in that period.