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Lovely Morning- Chit-Chat- Thread No 16.

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New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life.  chit chat about everything and anything, regarding, a normal day, in your life.

Scans, Appointments, going Shopping, Cutting Grass, Bloods, What ever you may be doing, that day.

If you wish to talk, about a more in Depth Subject, please start a new Thread, and then everyone knows, that is the discussion.

Hope this is to everyone's, approval.


  • Morning

    Well had to get up earlier this morning, first time and it was still dark, not good and this is just the start.

    Even the weather is going to drop, from 25 this week for us, to 16, suppose,   people could, always  hibernate, like  some animals, mammals, or birds do, at least we would have company.

    Hope you all  have a good day, what ever you may be doing. 

  • Good morning Ellie, normal gray day here. Don't know what is to be done today other than I have a problem with an electric socket in the garage which i need to look at.

  • What a day, fitted the replacement twin plug socket, which of course works perfectly. GP rang with another appointment so between the 19th October to 2nd November I now have 8 appointments.

  • Well what else would you be doing, day out.

  • Thats a lot of appointments. I sometimes get a month were I get a lot of them. At least they are keeping a good eye on you. It has rained most of today. take care xx


  • Good morning all, today is bright sunshine but not very warm, wife going to hairdressers then we are going shopping, such excitement I can hardly contain myself

  • Good morning all. Ulls won't you be a proud fella walking around the shops with your lovely wife, hair done lippy on, happy shopping. The sun is out here nice and bright, haven't been out yet, saving my energy for tonight.  My sister and I are going to the Philharmonic Hall to see the Hollies in concert. I know there are only 2 original band members but the music is still good. We go every time they play Liverpool,  can't wait. Ray is dropping us off and picking us up. Have a good day xx


  •  WHi Ellie  I must say I do enjoy the verses you write Writing hand️.  Ir was cold last night but the sun is bright this morning.  What are you up to today,  I'm taking some pjs back and changing for a bigger size, then saving my energy for my night out, to see the Hollies. Have a good day xx


  • Morning Moi, well it is wet here, glad i cut the grass yesterday, thats for sure.

    Hollies, that brought back a memorey Tom bought me one of their

    songs before we was even engaged, Just one Look. i still play it lol.

    Thanks Moi, i do not  plan to wright verses, the words just come from no where and have to write them down.

    Y ou have a lovely night, jealous no not really lol.


  • Morning, you must like shopping, you went the other day lol.

    Guess what i forgot to take my bone tablet this morning, now annoyed with my self.

    You enjoy your little trip Ulls,