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Lovely Morning- Chit-Chat- Thread No 16.

  • 770 replies
  • 50 subscribers

New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life.  chit chat about everything and anything, regarding, a normal day, in your life.

Scans, Appointments, going Shopping, Cutting Grass, Bloods, What ever you may be doing, that day.

If you wish to talk, about a more in Depth Subject, please start a new Thread, and then everyone knows, that is the discussion.

Hope this is to everyone's, approval.


  • i bought 12 new  books to read, though eyes are letting me  down so hard going lol 

  • No hobbies I dont have the concentration for one. I tend to play games on my phone or watch Netflix x

  • Well Bev, i only just started doing what i do, when i lost my hubby so four years, had to work on it.

    Could not just sit and play game and watch tv, thats for perhaps my evenings

  • Good morning Ellie, JVC sell magnifying glasses with built-in lights work a treat, were £20

  • I know I'm not on the group as often as I used to be, so may have missed out on things that have happened, I've not seen Tvman posting?

  • Thanks  Ulls, my daughter see them on  jml and where cheap, it in progress thanks

  • Yes we have noticed, no when some one has gone of us.

    You have not missed him, not posted.

    Just in, cup coffee. xx

  • Hi Ellie

    just reading your post about magnifying glasses, I was struggling a bit with seeing things clearly, I found a lovely magni charm on jml site and got myself one. It's lovely and been very helpful sinc I got it and as I can wear it around my neck ican take it with me with know worries. I've attached a picture

    Just thought it might be just what a stylish lady like yourself might be looking for

    Have a good day 

    Donna x

  • Hi Tricia, I’m ok just frustrated with hospital as I went for lung drain and bone jab and pick up meds as I always do when I have my jab. This time the medication wasn’t there because it’s now delivered by boots so nothing to do with hospital pharmacy. Except that I still have to pick it up from hospital and have no idea when it will be there. Have to start taking it first thing so will need to go back today. I rang the boots number I was given and after no answer for half an hour to then 15 minutes of engaged time I was finally told it was the wrong number. I rang the correct number and was told it wasn’t ordered until 9.40 this morning so will not be on the delivery until this afternoon. What a mess. Don’t know how I’d manage if I was working and would have needed to cancel any plans I’d had for today but luckily nothing planned . So frustrating . 
    Sorry for long moan but you did ask! 
    anyway how are you? Feeling a lot better I hope? 
    love Jac x