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Lovely Morning- Chit-Chat- Thread No 16.

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  • 50 subscribers

New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life.  chit chat about everything and anything, regarding, a normal day, in your life.

Scans, Appointments, going Shopping, Cutting Grass, Bloods, What ever you may be doing, that day.

If you wish to talk, about a more in Depth Subject, please start a new Thread, and then everyone knows, that is the discussion.

Hope this is to everyone's, approval.


  • Yes I agree. If I’m on my own I can think very negatively but with company I brighten up. I’m blessed with family and lots of friends who want me to stay Grin

    snd not give up. As fo our kids, son number 1 went through a very dark episode and just got up and left home (he wa 29!) so I just use to visit him in his flat and have a cuppa. Did this for a while. And gradually but surely he found his way out of the deep hole he was in He lives round the corner like Ellie’s son. 
    I’ve always maintained that you have to let them go to get them back. Plus I have a gorgeous granddaughter. 

    He’s doing great now and is happily engaged to a fabulous girl in Thailand. The wedding is next year when the visa goes through. 
    Having my chemo at the moment. Was told I need to drink 2 pints of water a day for my treatment to continue Tired face that means more trips to the loo. Always good to have a moan on here!!!

    Judy xxx 

  • Hi Girls, my eldest daughter has suffered with depression on and off for years. At the moment I'm allowed to phone her every 2 weeks. I bought her a new coat she said she liked, when I gave it to her she took one look and through it at me.

    Can't win so am sticking to phone calls for now

    On a brighter note went to the cemetery today and yes the rain decided to come down so heavy I was soaked head to toe, so am in pjs tea and toast xx


  • Well Moi it has turned into a beautiful day  here, went out with cardi on sweating buckets lol full sun.

    Well ready for winter two pair of pyjamas bought and warm ones ,so i am all set, lol.

    Phone calls be easier Moi, my son just went away and eight years phoned up, then told how, he had though of calling it a day, though the help we got him, was well worth it.

    Was hard having him living here, would not get out of bed, now he is a work at 4,am so glad he came home. xx

  • That is true Judy, let them fly  and they will return, when they are ready. Like a Bird.

    Only thing he eats me out of house and home, lol

  • Joy And I bet you wouldn’t have it any other way! Xxx

  • More so when, he says mum, you making a bread pudding,  had no intensions, but  yes i normally make a few. l and he takes them home. lol lol

  • Good morning 

    Just been reading all you stories of children having dark times and coming back to you eventually. They’ve brought tears to my eyes ladies. So pleased that they all got themselves out of the darkness and are happy 

    Jac x

  • I always remember my mum .

    When they are little they  make your arms ache.

    Though when they  are bigger, they can make you Heart Ache..

  • Oh Ellie shes asked me to go to appointments with her then when called in "your not coming in" she's ,  By polar, when she's low she's really down when she's on a high she's can get quit manic, so its a fine line we walk. She knows we'er here when she needs for her taking her medication ????? tells me to mind my own business. you learn to live with this . xx


  • Good morning all cloudy sky today but bright so not to bad at the moment. Just going to take a load of stuff to the Banardos charity shop, all the clothes I'll keep that, I'll wear that again, but you never do, so they are out now. othere than that no othere plans for today. hope you are all well. Those getting results today hope all goes well. xx
