New to all this !!

  • 10 replies
  • 42 subscribers

I am also new to the group, that know one wants to be part of. Having just been diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer, with secondaries to bones and peritneal wall, having just turned ange 49, isn’t what I had planned in life. I am currently receiving palliative chemo, and trying to keep positive, and am keen to seek support for positivity, as I would like to stay around for as long as possible with my family . Thank you for any support xx 

  • Hi and Welcome to the club, that no one wishes to join, so to get here,  unfortunately 

     makes each and everyone one of us special, in our own right.

    You will get a lot of support,from everyone, we are all here for each other.

    You can say what you like, and know one judges you,

    We are as positive as we can be, though are human, like a moan, rant, scream, cry and laugh..

    Everyone will support you, or just there for each other.

    Others will come along, at some point.

    Hope you find this club  lives up to it name.



  • Thank you for your reply Ellie, very much appreciated xx 

  • Welcome Joedan.

    plenty of positivity on here and loads of it will be directed at you.

    loads of us are continuing to keep proving our prognosis wrong, we will add you to the list.

    with luck you may get replies from someone with a similar cancer but you will find plenty of support here.

    also a degree of humour and foolishness!

    1. Very much appreciated, as l did say to the oncologist I would try to be the poster girl to prove prognosis timeline wrong!! Hopefully xx you never know 
  • There are loads of us, past our sell by date, and not thrown out yet,still alive and kicking, xx

  • Hi Joedan

    I'm very sorry to hear of your diagnosis but offer a warm welcome to you. 

    There are a few of us on here all with different cancers and at various stages.  

    It is interesting to read about the different types of treatments people are having and how long they have been living with incurable cancer. Many of their stories, I think, give hope to all of us.

    Keep posting, ask questions and keep sharing. If you feel up to it, it might be a good idea to complete your profile. 

    Helen x

  • Hi  

    Hello and a warm welcome to our group. No one would ever want to choose to join but we make the best of the cards we were dealt. There are plenty positive vibes here with a bit of dark humour thrown in. I hope you are managing ok with the chemo, my last session was almost a year ago and my cancer has been stable up to now, fingers crossed. My profile is there if you want to read, just click on my username. If you are after positive stories I can recommend a good book, Radical Remissions by Kelly A Turner. The cases are rare but hopeful. Best wishes for your treatment.

    A x

  • Hi Joedan, I have breast cancer with mets in bones and lungs. I’m 54 so only a few years older than you and it’s a hell of a shock isn’t it? Took me a long while to come to terms with it all many months and I still have down times as we all do I think.  I’m on targeted therapy bone strengthening injections and hormone tablets , chemo was not an option for me. I love this group, there’s a lot of  understanding but also laughter here. It’s a good place to write down your thoughts and feelings. Feel free to read my profile too. Sending a virtual hug. 
    Jac x

  • Hi Joedan

    Sorry you have to be here, but it's a lovely forum with lovely people that will be there when needed.

    Hope your having a good day. 

    Cat x

  • Hi Joedan Sorry I'm late but the welcome is sincere. Different cancers but the same prognosis, so we are all in the same boat! I thought the boat was slowly sinking when I joined here as chemo and radiotherapy don't work for my type of cancer. However my oncologist found me a Drug Trial and now I've exceeded even her expectations and am well past my sell by date. No one knows everything and they are coming up with new drugs for all different cancers all the time, so where there's life there's Hope.

    Im glad you found us, it's not an easy road but it can be a lot longer than you think, so please keep that in mind!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!