Home oxygen

  • 5 replies
  • 43 subscribers

I am now expecting to leave hospital with home oxygen installed. Its scary. Anyone on here with home oxygen. Do you have any tips etc please.

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to hear that you are in hospital and expecting to need home oxygen. I'm sure that someone will go through everything that you need to do to keep safe. The main points are - 

    Not to smoke/vape near the equipment. Keep it well away (6feet) from cookers, stoves, candles.

    Use water based lip balm, hand cream, etc ( no oil, grease or petroleum based)

    Keep the tank upright, don't let it fall over/ become damaged

    Inform fire brigade and electric company. Make sure smoke alarms work

    Know how and when to order new oxygen tank

    Use oxygen only as instructed by your health team provider

    I hope this helps Roni

    A x

  • Thanks sistermoon.  I have a concentrator for indoors and cylinders for on the move.  Its going to take some getting used to!  Chemo starts next week.  Vinorelbine.  Hope it might stabilise it.  My wonderful oncologist has just phoned before he goes on hols!

  • Hi  

    Thanks for your reply. You'll be a dab hand at the oxygen in no time. Best wishes for your chemo. Your oncologist sounds lovely, very caring. 

    A x

  • Hi Roni I hope you are getting to grips with having oxygen at home. I think Sistermoon has given you all the information you need.

    Just a thought, did you realise that if you are using a spare bedroom or similar, for storing oxygen or equipment you can apply to your local council for a reduction in your Community Charge. I don't know where in the country you are or indeed if you are even in the UK but here in Scotland that is what is done. It is worth asking. Or if you have an Occupational Therapist she/he can keep you right. 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks Annette. Its going to take some getting used to!!!!  I have to remember it doesn’t solve the breathless problem, just keeps my sats up.  I’ll enquire about council tax but. Things are so bad down in Kent I think they’ll hang on to every penny.