Highlight of your week/month

  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

To all of my beautiful forum friends! I know I've been away (which a couple of you even noticed - beyond flattering!) and to be honest with you, I've been alternating between busy, lazy, horrendously exhausted or highly depressed.

BUT, today is not one of those days, Today, my mood is good and although I'm still exhausted (ahh, the joys of cancer!), I want to share some of the amazing things that have happened to me lately.

First and foremost, I got engaged to my amazing partner! He (AKA his mum under strict instruction from me) chose an amazing ring, and he proposed in the hospice, which was hilariously perfect and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Next, my work advised me that they're going to introduce a scholarship in my name, to continue after my passing! I get to choose the parameters for application and awarding, which I think is a massive gift that not many people, even those with scholarships in their name, have access to!

Enough about me though, tell me some of YOUR highlights from the past however long! Let's get some positivity up in here!

  • Thank you for your positive news MM. I’m sorry but I am posting this through tears. I know you wouldn’t want that but what you’ve written is very moving. Amazing that you’ve got engaged! Congratulations, that was wonderful news! Also the scholarship in your name! Wow! They must think you are someone very special to do that. You must feel so proud and rightly so! What an honour.

    My positive news is my friend took me down to her house in Cornwall. We swam every morning with her sea swimming group and it has made me want to find somewhere by the sea to live, what a wonderful life. I also went mantra singing which was amazing, very good for body and soul. Another friend joined us and we went mackerel fishing and barbecued our catch in the beach. I hope you are being looked after well in the hospice MM. 
    love and hugs

    Jac x

  • Hi Momentomori, Good to see you post again. Congratulations on your engagement, you must be super excited! Also a Scholarship in your name, what an honour! You must be so chuffed and rightly so.

    Well, I've not been doing much recently, just don't feel up to it atm. But our son, wife and grandson came back from NI after visiting our DIL's family. Our grandson was 9 years old on Sunday and had a birthday party with his Irish relatives. They took the ferry back to Scotland on Monday and came straight here, where he had a second party with our family here. My older sister came and she had made him a chocolate cake. Our daughter made crispy bars and our two granddaughters who are 8 & 11 made cupcakes, we also got other goodies and everyone had a great time. The weather actually behaved for a change and the children had a terrific time building a Den in the garden. They put a notice on the back door saying " This is the KIDZ ZONE, No Adults allowed, Except GRAN!!"  That made everything all the more special for me!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  

    Good to hear from you. Great news that you've become engaged and about the scholarship. I've had a busy few days so I am resting today, catching up with the forum, reading ( just starting The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell) and maybe some stitching or knitting. We have had a week in Kent in June and a few weeks ago we had 5 days in Ibiza. It was at the time of the heatwave though, so that took it out of me. It was lovely though and I really enjoyed both weeks.

    I can only assume from your comment re the hospice that you are very unwell. I hope that you are comfortable and are being looked after very well. Keep flashing those diamonds, glamour all the way!

    A xxx

  • Great news, grab anything positive when you can,

    for me I’ve booked a weekend away with two great friends, canal boat, should be a blast