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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Good morning Ulls hope youhad a decent night's rest with not yo much pain. What are you up to today. Take care xx


  • Good morning, lovely day here too.

    Annette that pain sounds awful. Hope you can get a plan for it

    love Jac x

  • I’m up, congrats gratefully received!

  • Hi Moi, our daughter is here and she took my wife shopping, I was doing my family history.

  • Thanks Ulls, Yes everything seems worse at night I think. I am definitely going to speak to my new GP when I make my first appointment, it can't do any harm to ask. At 3am this morning I was cleaning the upstairs bathroom and hall. My other half was fast asleep but of course this morning he said "why didn't you ask me to do it"!!! He doesn't seem to see the dust, I wish I didn't! The other thing is IF I ask him to clean the bathroom, he puts bleach down the toilet then says "That's me done, anything else?" Well, yes, the sink, bath, shower & floor! Lol! He means well but honestly he does enough as it is, I don't know what I'd do without him!

    Have a good day Gang, the sun is out here too. Having a cuppa then doing a bit of gardening!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Moi, Have a terrific time with your family and I do hope the boys don't eat you out of house & home! I'm sure boys must have hollow legs! I don't know where they put it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Sorry just seen your comment, still breathing, helps, about the only thing working at moment, hope you have had a good day xxxx

  • Have  a lovely time, with your family Moi, i know you will xxx

  • Does everyone realise that a pair of Sea Eagles have fledged a chick on the Isle of Wight.

    these birds are about the size of a small plane!

    when they introduced the birds years ago I remember thinking it’s a shame I will die before they breed but they did it.

    how boring is this post to nearly everyone reading it?

    thanks to those who tell a little white lie and say “ that’s facinating “

    I’ll get me coat! 

  • Just proofs, you do have some useful information at times, not all nonsense.  Lie or Truth