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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Hi Ellie

    sorry that you’re having a hard time at the moment. Hope things look up for you soon x

  • Ho my Ellie I think someone has annoyed you 

  • I'm not going to feel sorry for Michael I'm going to rejoice in his life and the time I've known him, see you in the kingdom of heaven my friend.

  • Hi Jac, he is a Westie. A rescue dog with anxiety issues which in his case is barking and hysteria when he see cats on the garden wall. I’ve tried those plastic spikes but the cats aren’t bothered and can’t use metal one because that would be cruel.

    He wasn’t badly treated but his previous owner died and her husband couldn’t cope with him. The rescue centre said I could let the grandchildren visit ( a lot of rescue centres won’t because of safety issues) and he is fine with them. He is over 10 years old. Poor old thing.

    I am trying to do my best with him but it is hard work and he makes me so tired. I get worried that I might have to let him go. I really hope not. Do you have any pets?

    Vicky x

  • Oh Ulls, i do feel sorry for Michael he was so young and had a long life in front of him, that's why i am sorry he has gone..

  • That all sounds about right to me Ulls. Put me down for the same view.

  • Hi Ulls, I do hope everything goes well for you.

    Vicky x

  • Oh dear, sorry to hear that your poor Westie has issues. It would be so sad to have to give him up but that might be the best solution for you both in the end. Keep us posted about that Vicky.
    We have two cats who are actually my daughter’s but she’s away for a few months so the care is down to us. They’re good boys really but do catch mice and birds which makes me really upset, especially the baby birds. One of the brothers bullies the other one which is hard to watch. They love to come and sit with us in the evenings. They are beautiful cats. 

    Jac x

  • Good morning Ellie,  who's upset you?? and you could strangle. 

    Yes Michael was a special man and is sadly missed. Tea and cake this  afternoon in his honour. XXPray

  • Answer my self, and cannot do it,, though a G. U. N. might