Thank you

  • 3 replies
  • 43 subscribers

To everyone who has read or responded - thank you. I had my scan results today and there was no change in my lung or kidney cancers.   The reason I am feeling so unwell is that one kidney is hugely swollen and I’m in tomorrow for a stent, drain and antibiotics which I hope will put me back on the right track again.  

yes I still have terminal cancer but it’s ok for now.  Too unwell to celebrate today but I’m happy


  • Hi Hilary,

    I'm so happy to read your post and so pleased for you!

    I'm sure the stent fitting will go well tomorrow and you'll soon be well enough to celebrate!

    Take care, Love from Helen xx

  • Hi (Hac274) Hilary, It is good they discovered what was going on and they will sort it out for you.

    As (Nan7)  Helen has said, then you will be able to celebrate properly! I'm glad your happy!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • So glad to hear stable, hopefully they'll have you back on your feet soon and you'll be home to enjoy your news.

    Take care

    Cat x