Our Friend

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  • 44 subscribers

I am very sad, today, and that is really true, for our friend and member, has gone to pastures new.

They had no choice in this, i i know, they tried their  best, to stay a part of the club, and join in with the rest, 

They liked their cake and football to and his type of music,  for  me was some thing new.

Will e mailed often you see, and he became a friend and more to me, i gained another son, in many ways, and he helped, to brighten up, the dreariest of days,

We all got together on the morning thread, and some times had parties, and invited different guests.

I really wanted to see him, in his kilt, and he replied, one day you will, though standing on a table is how they replied, though you could land up with dodgy eyes,we laughed at such a silly remark, and that's the way it should be, for laughter is the best medicine you see.

We spoke of many things, and cancer went by the book, i learnt a lot from them, and they did  from me.

He was a kind, gentle soul , that's for sure, and the last words he e mailed me, i have them in store, engrained deep inside me,never forgotten.

Stay Positive  Ellie .Keep  Smiling

Its not Goodbye, its not the End, Because a real good friend, stays with you Forever.   You have left me with Good Memories ,

So My Scottish Friend Michael, (signed of as i always did,), 

Until we meet again, and we will, and share our cake, xxxxx