• 16 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I wasn't quite sure where to post this but here seems appropriate because this is mostly where Morton68  (Michael) posted.

I received this email from his wife;

Hi Annette,
Sorry I’ve been trying today to get logged into the MacMillan site and had to set up a new log in for me. But I can’t seem to post anything yet. Not sure if there is an approval process or something?
Michael asked that I log on to update the group after his passing. 
I was trying to add the following message:............
I am Morton68’s wife, sorry I had to create a log in as I could not access on his. He asked that I message you to update you all after his passing. 
I’m heartbroken to let you know that Morton68 passed away peacefully on Monday morning in the hospice. He had been in a lot of pain as you all know, so it is good he is no longer suffering. But we all miss him terribly and I have lost my best friend. 
I know he was fond of you all and got a lot of support and comfort from your community. He would want you to stay strong and keep going forward. 
Take care everyone and I’m sorry to have to deliver such sad news, but I’m sure he will continue to be with your group in spirit. He was such an amazing man and I was blessed to be married to him. 
Take care,
I am sure we will all miss him and this is sad but no one would have wanted him to suffer.