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I’ve never been to Glastonbury and the thought of tents, toilets and showers makes me shudder. My two daughters who are both in their 30’s are there at the moment having a fantastic time. I’ve been watching some of it on the TV and boy some of the bands are really old. Just saw Slash and he looks about 105. It made me feel really sad that I’m not going to make it to my 70’s. I watched Lizzo and thought about being unhappy and covering up because I was a size 16. I admire her confidence. I’ve always wanted to be slim and now I am but I can’t feel happy about it. Sorry for the pity party

  • I love camping, though festivals are something else! I've never been to Glastonbury. It's good to see people being confident in their own bodies isn't it. I'm sorry that becoming slim has come at such a cost to you. Hugs x


  • Morning 

    I've never been to the Glastonbury Festival although i'd love to go, but i have been to Glastonbury a few times. I'm off to a small local folk music festival next month in Mr T and so looking forward to it. My son does a lot of music festivals each summer.

    I've always camped and love the freedom of it, I've just had the back of my SWB Transit, aka Mr T, kitted out for basic camping and had my first trip away in in this last week. So i've gone one up from a tent now !!

    I've always been on the slim side, one of those who just can't put on weight, my Dad and son are the same. But i think no matterr what weight we are we're not happy, same goes for hair colour, thickness, length, or how tall short we are.... we're never happy no matter what we are like.

    I don't know if i'm going to make it into my 60's, but we just have to go out and enjoy what we can, when we can and make the most of it. I have to think that way or i just end up balling my eyes out each time i think about it. We all get days like that...... we are allowed.

    Cat x

  • I so admire you Cat with your get up and go. I've always wanted to sleep under the stars but never have. My hubby is a hotel man and I'm all for an adventure! Hence going on six mission trips but never got a chance to sleep under the stars.

    Judy xx

  • Hi  

    It must be great to go to Glastonbury, good on your daughters. My daughter likes festivals, she's just been to Slam dunk, think that one is Leeds. I haven't got the stamina now, we've been to a few local things in the past but I couldn't do it now.  Yes I saw Slash, Chrissie Hynde and Texas. Lana del Rey is one of my favourites but she was on too late for me......... I sound like a right old woman! Too bad I won't be one! I've got to make a joke out of it, it's our old work mantra - laugh or you'll cry.

    We went to Kent for a week for our hols. We stayed in a lovely cottage which was in a leafy country lane surrounded by fields and gardens. There was no noise at all, just the birds. It was very peaceful and I feel like it has done me some good. We visited national trust properties and gardens. It was really nice. The only downside was the driving, all of which my husband does, it's quite a travel from the north east. 

    A x

  • Thank you Judy, 

    Some days i feel like my get up and go has got up and gone !! and i do have to push myself somethimes, but i get there eventually, as we all do in one way or another, i think.

    I am currently mustering up a trip to Thirsk in Yorkshire to go to the James Herriet museum. I'm down in Dorset so it's going to be a long drive for me. I'll have to do it in stages, taking my time going up there and back. I want to do it this year as i'm not sure if i'll be up to it next year.

    May i ask what the six mission trips are ? 

    Cat x

  • My friend was just saying how much she’d love to go to Glastonbury . I’ve registered for next year. Either that or IOW next year! Gotta be done. Maybe I’ll see some of you there! Just watching ole Elton, he’s still got it! Still standing ! Hope I am after going Joy

  • I'm tempted to book in for Glasonbury now Shadders, this is the time to do it, otherwise you don't stand a chance of getting tickets. 

    Never been to the IOW, even though i used to live just across the water..

    Cat x

  • Ooh can I come with you Grin I loved the James Herriot books. Dorset is a lovely place. 
    my mission trips are the Andes, Peru. Africa…Zambia three times and Ivory Coast once. Hungry twice. 
    memories are precious Blush

    happy travels Cat x 

  • Exactly Cat! Tickets aren’t on sale yet but you can register. IOW tickets are on sale now

    Jac x

  • Wow...  Amazing places !!

    I watched the whole series of All Creatures Great & Small way back when it was on, and i watched  all of the Yorkshire Vet, who trained under James Herriot.

    P. S ..I do have a spair sleeping bag & two man tent Wink 

    So sorry   for gate crashing your thread. Hope you are well and having a good day.

    Cat x