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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Morning Everyone, some one may have flagged it by mistake,, though would have been put a by now, so sorry Triciaxx

  • Tricia it is there xx

  • Morning Everyone.

    Everyone is in the sane frame of mind this morning. and yes it it does effect you, when you receive news, that things, are not going the right way, for a member of the group...

    Though Morton has said carry on being crazy, well that's not hard, we all are at times.

    So we keep the party going, as they want, us to. xxxx

  • Morning Ellie.  This morning early I told Ray I felt down today and needed cake at some point !! 

    So here I am sitting in bed with a Skinny latte and a Danish pastry . I thought he'd gone for the paper, my hero xx


  • Well! I’ve actually got a free day today…so far! Got my feet up reading my book before I get dressed to take Ollie out. Took him to the vet for his booster and said that was 9 next month. The vet said, he’s more like 12 Flushed no wonder he was slowing down like me! 
    love to all especially our dear M xxx


  • Idont know what is going on with my computer but the messages i have been trying to post keep disappearing. You are right Ellie it does effect you as although i have  never physically met anyone i feel such a bond of friendship with you all. Sorry to be so depressing but that is how i feel. Your wise words are like a big hug. Lots of love Tricia. xxx

  • Tricia every one is different  no need, to  not apologise,, i had my moments yesterday.

    So Morton would want you, to carry on having your cuppa, and eating cake, i see him smiling   at that.

    Moi has started this time, of morning, with cake, lol

  • morning Michael thinking of you. I must thankyou for the best ever virtual fancy dress ball i have ever been to. You are a perfect host . lots of love to you. Tricia. xxx

  • I'm so so sorry to hear this news I actually don't no what to say. I will be thinking about you with a heavy heart xx

  • Yes Ellie and Tricia it was lovely,  thought M will enjoy it. (Upped my insulin a bit). Will have to walk the bugger off. Right have to blind Ray with his eye drops now, he's had 1 cataract done. xx
