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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Hi Judy, I've recently had dental work done and yes had to stop treatment so I'd could heal. Hope your well xx


  • Good morning all hope everyone is the best they can be. Feeling good today, venturing out to my sisters later, probably stop off at the shops. Next week is quit busy appointments every day except Monday not all cancer related. Well the sun has decided to come out but its still cloudy.  Have a good day all xx


  • Thanks for the info Moi.  I’d love an appointment with the hygienist for a clean but was told they couldn’t do it! So use a mouthwash and give my knashers a good clean. No other problems at the mo with my teeth. 
    Going for bloods this morning…chemo number 12 tomorrow Smirk

    Judy xx

  • Good luck with bloods and chemo. It's a pain having to skate around treatment to get your teeth done but needs must. Have to eat know sugars a bit low!! My chef (Ray) has scrambled eggs on the go mmmmmm xx


  • Glad people are busy, , looks like it might have rained here, damp  looking, , if it has not a lot.

    Hope you all have a good day, xxx

  • Well I only get one of those so you guess!

  • Good morning all! Bit damp here too Ellie, but no haven’t wet myself I heard it rain in the night and still drizzling. Hope it clears up for my walk later but we do need it so mustn’t grumble.
    Saw my lovely sister in her amdram show. It was at the Roman outdoor theatre in St Albans . Was a beautiful setting though it did rain on us. I was so proud of my little sis, she is always so funny and she can sing beautifully. She is the opposite of me, I would hate to be on stage with everyone watching me but she loves it. 

    Have a good Thursday all 

    Jac x

  • Good morning Ellie,  we had rain yesterday so quite pleased the sun is peeping out today. Hope your well. Well regular  scan tomorrow afternoon, I'd sooner have morning appointments  but can't complain at least its getting done with all the strikes that are going on. Anyway have a good day xx


  • Good morning Jac I'm a bit like you from an early age. At 5 years old walked on stage as the angel in the nativity, took one look at the audience turned round and walked off. Lol Laughing Hope the rain stays off so you can enjoy your walk. Have a good day xx


  • Hi i prefer morning appointments as well, though yes, at least getting them.

    I am ok , could be 40 years younger that would me, enjoy your day, xx