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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • is that meant for me not today have had nothing

  • Yes that was for you I thought you might not have got it as you didn't reply I'll try again.

  • How did your chemo go judy

  • Oh Ellie, you should know better by now that you can't have a Friday night drink without a wee nibble, nuts, crisps etc!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, it's me that's the nut's nibbler 5 different types, as well as i wee dram finished the bottle last night have to buy another today, Ellie is a red wine person, so we have a wee drink together.

  • It was quite an eventful morning yesterday. I had an appointment with my oncologist re MRI scan. The CT scan had picked up an anomaly on what was thought my ovary. (sorry men you might not want to read this lol) but it was fibroids on the womb and it wasn't as big as what the CT showed. And as I wasn't in any pain or losing blood my oncologist was't concerned. But as a backup he sent me for a blood test the sample will be sent to the gynaecologist and if they think there is a problem they will be in touch. Then I managed to find the Mac support team member to talk about counselling with the hope of access to reflexolofgy but to be told that they have stopped the reflexology as the insrurance is too high now for cancer patients. Anyway BUPA are ringing me next week (Gill is helping me in case i can't hear the voice clearly) I managed to do all before my 11am chemo! which went ok apart from having to remind the nurse that I hadn't a B12 injection for a while and I came away without my next bloods form for chemo no.12. The nurses are stretched to their capacity!

    I don't know anyone who has had as many chemoes as me. But I think I remember you saying Ellie, that you had 3 or 4 years of 3 week cycles of chemo before your lovely hubby passed. Am I right Ellie?

    Wishing you all a good day in the sun or for some to be happy enjoying it in the shade. And have you in my thoughts M xx

  • Hi Judy

    Fill like i have read anew book lol.

    That was an eventful day, and not for the right reason's,

    No in one way, mine was not all chemo.

    From the start my  oncologist said it would be 4 chemos and then scanned, though first one did cause a heart attack, very rare  side effect, o was topped, and i had a different one, of 2 then a different one again of four,.

    Then she asked me, if i would like to go on immunotherapy had just   been  approved, for lung cancer, and i would be her first    patient to go on it, i agreed.

    That was a two year course, every three weeks, i asked what was it she explained, and i completed it a lot do not,

    It is used so much more now, as had good results, though not for every one,

    Do not get me wrong, yes there are side effects but for me was not as bad as chemo.

    You can get in touch h  with the hospice, do not think the worse here, my oncologist recommend it for me, was wonderful.

    Then Tom was given it, as he had to drive me there and classed him as my carer, i did laugh i think not,,

    Wonderful place, and after i lost him, i phoned them and had my counselling, they do so much,

    Your Oncologist can recommend you for therapy,


  • Well Morning Every One

    Going to be hot today, was 18degress when i got up now  21,

    So not a lot of gardening i think not, you all take care.
