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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Morning Jac good to see you back and read that you had a great time in Scotland. Swimming in the sea or the swimming pool sounds too much like hard work to me. lol. Have a good day. Love Tricia. xxx

  • I am to Cat as u say, i would rater that, tan gov in of out of shops, quiet happy, with my own company, at times.  xxx

  • Hi Tricia, it’s nice to be back here with you lot. I swam for 20 minutes yesterday and was exhausted. Used to do 60 lengths in my 30s. I pootle up and down watching the speedy ones zoom past thinking I used to be able to do that! Oh well, it’s all relative , it does me so much good. I love it. Hope you are well? What’s the latest with you? 
    Jac x

  • The only thing worth a mention is that i went to Gretna Green and walked my youngest daughter down the asile. The weather was good and everyone had a great day. I did learn a lesson whille there which was that my days of wearing high heels are over. lol was struggling to stay up on my feet. Scotland really does have amazing scenery. Well done on swimming for 20 minutes I think that was more than admiral. Love Tricia. xxx

  • As you can see my brain has not yet caught up with the rest of me. It should say admirable lol. xxx

  • Hi all what a week did it happen! Coffee Coffee️ this morning with ladies from my fitness class. Coffee on Monday with my friend and her toddler. Coffee on Tuesday with an old friend. Pub on Wednesday with another old friend from work phew Open mouthDash I’m worn out just typing this! 
    plus I’ve been feeling drained the last couple of days, do you feel like this for no apparent reason. Or maybe I’m ducking the issue that I just can’t sit and do nothing. 

    Judy xxxx

  • Morning

    Well you should be worn out, all that galivanting about , so would i, and the weather does not help, well not with me.

    Never mind, take it at your own pace,i have done nothing, believe it or not for a couple of days.

    Washing is on, and if that is all i do, so be it.

    Daughter coming over today, just got back from a cruise, so will get all the gossip, so another easy day,


  • Morning MSG Not suprised youre warn out typing lol. Its good to have things to look forward to so enjoy all your days out. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Just got in from walking Ollie round the park and even that has left me drained! Every day seems different for me. In my head I can do it but body says otherwise…who do I listen to Thinking

  • Morning Ellie i hope you managed to get some sleep. Im afraid i cannot believe you have done nothing for 2 days it would be impossible for you to stick to that. lol. Its great that your daughter is visiting with lots of gossip, cant beat a bit of gossip. Have a great Saturday. Love Tricia. xxx