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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Funny that, i cannot make myself laugh,  have to be a little careful, i may get in to bother.

    I fi make you laugh, then it has not been wasted, xxx

  • Does Catherine tote make me laugh, at times, though i do not think i am that bad, and hopefully, a little more reserved lol xx

  • Well i think i have come up with the answer, i may have been looking for,

    I hope at least one person, agrees, and goes yes..

    For a little while now, i have been saying, to my self, like you do, i think i have put some weight on, which in one way, is not a bad thing, considering,

    Why would i, i work harder now, than ever, and do not really eat a lot,

    So was up stairs dusting, and it came to me, i think you have the answer ellie,

    As i have lost   over 2 inches, in height, there you go, pushing everything down, so looks like you have, i felt quiet happy, i had an answer, so i really hope, some one says , your right ellie, that could be the answer, or on the other hand, your not working hard enough,

    Well could be happy for a little while, or some ne might burst my bubble, xxxx

  • No one will burst your bubble short a**s

  • Well that was a deep, thoughtful conversation you had with self! And I'm not going to burst your bubble.

    I'm never hungry but know I must eat. I went down to 71/2 stone when I was first diagnosed. Frightened me to death...I have out a stone on since then.

    Well done that you have gained weight. I wouldn't worry about how or why. Keep on gardening, dusting, shopping and whatever else you do. The battle of the bulge rages on. xxxx


  • Thank you everyone for the welcome backs.  Yes things haven’t been good but I am still giving it my best here and doing all I can to keep going and moving forward, it is the only way.  Sorry I haven’t had time to catch up on your challenges, and I am sure you all have many.  Sending positive vibes and support to you all though for dealing with them. 

    Take care everyone 

    M x x x x 

  • Ha ha Ellie it must be my reason to. Last time my hight was done she said 4'11", I said that's not right 3 years ago I was 5'2". Lol xx


  • There you go, i was right, no need to go on a diet lol, Made my day,

    I did wonder why have the answer, yipeeeee

  • i did say when i am 3foot 4inches, you wil have to roll me in then out, lol

  • It just had my mind trying to work out why, Really makes sence in one way,  if lose height where does that weight go to,  As if i have nothing better to do, than think, xxxx,